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aymanukum [7]

An-Nisa | 4:3|
|And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose. But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them, then many only one wife, or marry those women who have fallen in your possession. This will be the better course to avoid injustice.

| 004.:003 [KSU] | Wain | khiftum | alla | tuqsitoo | fee | alyatama | fainkihoo | ma | taba | lakum | mina | alnnisai | mathna | wathulatha | warubaAAa | fain | khiftum | alla | taAAdiloo | fawahidatan | aw | ma | malakat | aymanukum | thalika | adna | alla | taAAooloo

An-Nisa | 4:24|
|And forbidden to you are the wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands (as prisoners of war ): this is the Law of Allah that has been prescribed for you. With the exception of the above, it has been made lawful for you to seek in marriage with your wealth any other women provided that you keep them in wedlock and not in licentiousness. Then you should pay them their dowries as an obligation for the enjoyment of conjugal relations with them. However, there is no harm if a compromise is made in the dower by mutual consent after an agreement about it; Allah is All-Knowing, All Wise.

| 004.:024 [KSU] | Waalmuhsanatu | mina | alnnisai | illa | ma | malakat | aymanukum | kitaba | Allahi | AAalaykum | waohilla | lakum | ma | waraa | thalikum | an | tabtaghoo | biamwalikum | muhsineena | ghayra | musafiheena | fama | istamtaAAtum | bihi | minhunna | faatoohunna | ojoorahunna | fareedatan | wala | junaha | AAalaykum | feema | taradaytum | bihi | min | baAAdi | alfareedati | inna | Allaha | kana | AAaleeman | hakeeman

An-Nisa | 4:25|
|Whoever cannot afford to marry free Muslim women, should marry one of the Muslim slave-girls in your possession; Allah has full knowledge of your Faith. You all belong to one and the same community; therefore, you may marry them with the permission of their guardians and give them their fair dowries so that they may live a decent life in wedlock and not in licentiousness nor may have secret illicit relations. Then if they are guilty of indecency, after they have been fortified by wedlock, they shall be given half the punishment prescribed for free women. This concession has been made for those of you who might apprehend a moral lapse without marriage, but it is better for you to practice self-restraint, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

| 004.:025 [KSU] | Waman | lam | yastatiAA | minkum | tawlan | an | yankiha | almuhsanati | almuminati | famin | ma | malakat | aymanukum | min | fatayatikumu | almuminati | waAllahu | aAAlamu | bieemanikum | baAAdukum | min | baAAdin | fainkihoohunna | biithni | ahlihinna | waatoohunna | ojoorahunna | bialmaAAroofi | muhsanatin | ghayra | masafihatin | wala | muttakhithati | akhdanin | faitha | ohsinna | fain | atayna | bifahishatin | faAAalayhinna | nisfu | ma | AAala | almuhsanati | mina | alAAathabi | thalika | liman | khashiya | alAAanata | minkum | waan | tasbiroo | khayrun | lakum | waAllahu | ghafoorun | raheemun

An-Nisa | 4:33|
|We have appointed rightful heirs to the inheritance which is left by parents and relatives. As for those with whom you have made a pledge, do give them their share: most surely Allah is watching over everything.

| 004.:033 [KSU] | Walikullin | jaAAalna | mawaliya | mimma | taraka | alwalidani | waalaqraboona | waallatheena | AAaqadat | aymanukum | faatoohum | naseebahum | inna | Allaha | kana | AAala | kulli | shayin | shaheedan

An-Nisa | 4:36|
|And all of you should serve God and associate none with Him; and show kindness and affection to your parents, and be kind to near relatives, and to orphans, and to the needy; and be considerate to your neighbors kinsmen and strangers and to the companions at your side and to the wayfarer and to the slaves in your possession. Believe it that Allah does not like such persons as are self~conceited

| 004.:036 [KSU] | WaoAAbudoo | Allaha | wala | tushrikoo | bihi | shayan | wabialwalidayni | ihsanan | wabithee | alqurba | waalyatama | waalmasakeeni | waaljari | thee | alqurba | waaljari | aljunubi | waalssahibi | bialjanbi | waibni | alssabeeli | wama | malakat | aymanukum | inna | Allaha | la | yuhibbu | man | kana | mukhtalan | fakhooran