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ayyukum [3]

At-Tauba | 9:124|
|Whenever a new Surah is revealed, some of them ask the Muslims (in jest), "Say, whose Faith from among you has increased?" (The answer is that) most surely (every Surah) increases the Faith of those who have sincerely believed and they rejoice

| 009.:124 [KSU] | Waitha | ma | onzilat | sooratun | faminhum | man | yaqoolu | ayyukum | zadathu | hathihi | eemanan | faamma | allatheena | amanoo | fazadathum | eemanan | wahum | yastabshiroona

Hud | 11:7|
|And it is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six days-whereas before this His Throne rested upon water so that He may test which of you does the best deeds. Now O Muhammad, if you tell them "You will, O people, be raised again after death," those who disbelieve promptly exclaim, "This is plain sorcery!"

| 011.:007 [KSU] | Wahuwa | allathee | khalaqa | alssamawati | waalarda | fee | sittati | ayyamin | wakana | AAarshuhu | AAala | almai | liyabluwakum | ayyukum | ahsanu | AAamalan | walain | qulta | innakum | mabAAoothoona | min | baAAdi | almawti | layaqoolanna | allatheena | kafaroo | in | hatha | illa | sihrun | mubeenun

An-Namal | 27:38|
|To his courtiers Solomon said, "Which of you can fetch me her throne before those people come to me in submission?"

| 027.:038 [KSU] | Qala | ya | ayyuha | almalao | ayyukum | yateenee | biAAarshiha | qabla | an | yatoonee | muslimeena

Al-Mulk | 67:2|
|Who created death and life that He may try you to see which of you is best in deeds, and He is All-Mighty as well as All-Forgiving.

| 067.:002 [KSU] | (a)lladhiy | khalaqa | (a)l.maw.ta | wa(a)l.HayaEw(t)a | liyab.luwakum. | _ayyukum. | _aH.sanu | `amal(an)A[j] | wa | huwa | (a)l.`aziyzu | (a)l.ghafuwru