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biannahu [28]

Al-Baqarah | 2:61|
| Remember: You grumbled: "O Moses, we cannot endure one and the same sort of food. Pray your Lord to bring for us the products of the earth green herbs, vegetables, corn, garlic, onions, pulses and the like." Moses replied: "What! would you exchange that which is meaner for that which is nobler? Well, go and live in a town and you will get there what you demand." By and by, they became so degraded that disgrace and humiliation, misery and wretchedness were stamped upon them and they incurred Allahs wrath. That was because they began to reject the Revelations of Allah78 and kill His Messengers without any just cause; that was the consequence of their disobedience and their persistent transgression against the Law.

| 002.:061 [KSU] | Waith | qultum | ya | moosa | lan | nasbira | AAala | taAAamin | wahidin | faodAAu | lana | rabbaka | yukhrij | lana | mimma | tunbitu | alardu | min | baqliha | waqiththaiha | wafoomiha | waAAadasiha | wabasaliha | qala | atastabdiloona | allathee | huwa | adna | biallathee | huwa | khayrun | ihbitoo | misran | fainna | lakum | ma | saaltum | waduribat | AAalayhimu | alththillatu | waalmaskanatu | wabaoo | bighadabin | mina | Allahi | thalika | biannahum | kanoo | yakfuroona | biayati | Allahi | wayaqtuloona | alnnabiyyeena | bighayri | alhaqqi | thalika | bima | AAasaw | wakanoo | yaAAtadoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:275|
|But those who devour interest become like the one whom Satan has bewitched and maddened by his touch. They have been condemned to this condition because they say, "Trade is just like interest”, whereas Allah has made trade lawful and interest unlawfu1. Henceforth, if one abstains from taking interest after receiving this admonition from his Lord, no legal action will be taken against him regarding the interest he had devoured before; his case shall ultimately go to Allah. But if one repeats the same crime after this, . he shall go to Hell, where he shall abide for ever.

| 002.:275 [KSU] | Allatheena | yakuloona | alrriba | la | yaqoomoona | illa | kama | yaqoomu | allathee | yatakhabbatuhu | alshshaytanu | mina | almassi | thalika | biannahum | qaloo | innama | albayAAu | mithlu | alrriba | waahalla | Allahu | albayAAa | waharrama | alrriba | faman | jaahu | mawAAithatun | min | rabbihi | faintaha | falahu | ma | salafa | waamruhu | ila | Allahi | waman | AAada | faolaika | ashabu | alnnari | hum | feeha | khalidoona

Al-Imran | 3:24|
|They do this because they say, "The fire of Hell is not going to touch us and even if it does at all, it will be only for a few days." Such self invented beliefs have involved them in various kinds of misunderstandings about their religion.

| 003.:024 [KSU] | Thalika | biannahum | qaloo | lan | tamassana | alnnaru | illa | ayyaman | maAAdoodatin | wagharrahum | fee | deenihim | ma | kanoo | yaftaroona

Al-Imran | 3:75|
|There is among the people of the Book such a person who will return to you intact a heap of gold entrusted to him by you. But there is among them also such a one who will not return even a single dinar entrusted to him by you unless you demand it with importunity. They justify their immoral behaviour, saying, "We are not to be called to account for our behaviour towards the unlettered (gentiles)." Obviously, this is a falsehood of their own which they deliberately ascribe to Allah, knowing well that He has never permitted such a thing. Well, will they not be called to account?

| 003.:075 [KSU] | Wamin | ahli | alkitabi | man | in | tamanhu | biqintarin | yuaddihi | ilayka | waminhum | man | in | tamanhu | bideenarin | la | yuaddihi | ilayka | illa | ma | dumta | AAalayhi | qaiman | thalika | biannahum | qaloo | laysa | AAalayna | fee | alommiyyeena | sabeelun | wayaqooloona | AAala | Allahi | alkathiba | wahum | yaAAlamoona

Al-Imran | 3:112|
|Disgrace and humiliation have been stamped upon them wherever they may be except in the case when they get refuge under the favour of Allah or under the patronage of other people. They have incurred the wrath of Allah; therefore misery and humiliation have been stamped upon them. This is because they rejected the Revelations of Allah and killed His Prophets without any just cause; this is the consequence of their disobedience and their transgression.

| 003.:112 [KSU] | Duribat | AAalayhimu | alththillatu | ayna | ma | thuqifoo | illa | bihablin | mina | Allahi | wahablin | mina | alnnasi | wabaoo | bighadabin | mina | Allahi | waduribat | AAalayhimu | almaskanatu | thalika | biannahum | kanoo | yakfuroona | biayati | Allahi | wayaqtuloona | alanbiyaa | bighayri | haqqin | thalika | bima | AAasaw | wakanoo | yaAAtadoona