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dakhala [9]

Al-Imran | 3:37|
|So, her Lord very graciously accepted the girl and made her grow up as a good girl and entrusted her to the care of Zacharias. Whenever Zacharias entered the sanctuary to see her, he found some eatables with her; he would ask, "O Mary, whence have these come to you?" She would answer, "It is from Allah: Allah provides without stint for whom He wills."

| 003.:037 [KSU] | Fataqabbalaha | rabbuha | biqaboolin | hasanin | waanbataha | nabatan | hasanan | wakaffalaha | zakariyya | kullama | dakhala | AAalayha | zakariyya | almihraba | wajada | AAindaha | rizqan | qala | ya | maryamu | anna | laki | hatha | qalat | huwa | min | AAindi | Allahi | inna | Allaha | yarzuqu | man | yashao | bighayri | hisabin

Al-Imran | 3:97|
|In it are clear Signs: there is the spot where Abraham used to worship: then it is the sanctuary, and whoso enters it becomes safe and secure. Allah has, therefore, a right on the people that the one, who can afford to reach the house, should perform Haj there: and the one who disobeys (this Commandment should know that) Allah is All-Sufficient and does not stand in need of any creature of the worlds.

| 003.:097 [KSU] | Feehi | ayatun | bayyinatun | maqamu | ibraheema | waman | dakhalahu | kana | aminan | walillahi | AAala | alnnasi | hijju | albayti | mani | istataAAa | ilayhi | sabeelan | waman | kafara | fainna | Allaha | ghaniyyun | AAani | alAAalameena

Al-Aaraf | 7:38|
|Allah will say, "Go into Hell, where those who went before you from among jinns and men have gone. " As each generation will be entering Hell it will curse its preceding generation till all generations shall be gathered there: then each succeeding generation will say regarding the preceding one, "O Lord, these were the people who led us astray; therefore give them double chastisement of the Fire." Allah will reply, "There is a double chastisement for every one but you know it not."

| 007.:038 [KSU] | Qala | odkhuloo | fee | omamin | qad | khalat | min | qablikum | mina | aljinni | waalinsi | fee | alnnari | kullama | dakhalat | ommatun | laAAanat | okhtaha | hatta | itha | iddarakoo | feeha | jameeAAan | qalat | okhrahum | lioolahum | rabbana | haolai | adalloona | faatihim | AAathaban | diAAfan | mina | alnnari | qala | likullin | diAAfun | walakin | la | taAAlamoona

At-Tauba | 9:57|
|if they could find a place of refuge or a cave or a hiding place to lode therein, they would run in frantic haste to take refuge in it.

| 009.:057 [KSU] | Law | yajidoona | maljaan | aw | magharatin | aw | muddakhalan | lawallaw | ilayhi | wahum | yajmahoona

Yusuf | 12:36|
|Two other slaves also entered into the prison along with him. One day one of them said, "I dreamed that I am pressing grapes into wine," and the other said, "I dreamed that I am carrying loaves of bread on my head, of which birds are eating. " Then both of them said, "Tell us their interpretations, for we have seen that you are a righteous man."

| 012.:036 [KSU] | Wadakhala | maAAahu | alssijna | fatayani | qala | ahaduhuma | innee | aranee | aAAsiru | khamran | waqala | alakharu | innee | aranee | ahmilu | fawqa | rasee | khubzan | takulu | alttayru | minhu | nabbina | bitaweelihi | inna | naraka | mina | almuhsineena