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Al-Baqarah | 2:23|
| And if you be in doubt whether the Book We have sent down to Our Servant is from Us or not, then produce, at least, one Surah like this. You may call all your associates to assist you and avail yourselves of the help of any one other than Allah. If you are genuine in your doubt, do this.

| 002.:023 [KSU] | Wain | kuntum | fee | raybin | mimma | nazzalna | AAala | AAabdina | fatoo | bisooratin | min | mithlihi | waodAAoo | shuhadaakum | min | dooni | Allahi | in | kuntum | sadiqeena

Al-Baqarah | 2:94|
| Say to them, "If the abode of the Hereafter with Allah is exclusively reserved for you and not for the rest of mankind, then you should long for death, if you arc sincere in your claim."

| 002.:094 [KSU] | Qul | in | kanat | lakumu | alddaru | alakhiratu | AAinda | Allahi | khalisatan | min | dooni | alnnasi | fatamannawoo | almawta | in | kuntum | sadiqeena

Al-Baqarah | 2:107|
|Do you not know that the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone and that you have neither any protector nor helper beside Him?

| 002.:107 [KSU] | Alam | taAAlam | anna | Allaha | lahu | mulku | alssamawati | waalardi | wama | lakum | min | dooni | Allahi | min | waliyyin | wala | naseerin

Al-Baqarah | 2:165|
|(In spite of such clear signs of the Oneness of Allah), there are people who set up equals and rivals with Allah and adore them with the adoration due to Allah, whereas the Believers adore Allah most ardently. Would that these transgressors could realize now what they will realize, when they will see the chastisement before them that power and authority wholly belong to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment!

| 002.:165 [KSU] | Wamina | alnnasi | man | yattakhithu | min | dooni | Allahi | andadan | yuhibboonahum | kahubbi | Allahi | waallatheena | amanoo | ashaddu | hubban | lillahi | walaw | yara | allatheena | thalamoo | ith | yarawna | alAAathaba | anna | alquwwata | lillahi | jameeAAan | waanna | Allaha | shadeedu | alAAathabi

Al-Imran | 3:28|
|Let not the Believers make the disbelievers their friends and take them into their confidence in preference to the Believers. Whoever will do this shall have no relation left with Allah; however your show of friendship towards them will be pardonable, if you do so to guard against their tyranny. Anyhow Allah warns you to fear Him because to Him you shall return.

| 003.:028 [KSU] | La | yattakhithi | almuminoona | alkafireena | awliyaa | min | dooni | almumineena | waman | yafAAal | thalika | falaysa | mina | Allahi | fee | shayin | illa | an | tattaqoo | minhum | tuqatan | wayuhaththirukumu | Allahu | nafsahu | waila | Allahi | almaseeru