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fakhuth [7]

Al-Baqarah | 2:260|
|Call to mind the other event also, when Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how Thou bringest the dead back to life?" He said "Have you no faith in this?" Abraham humbly replied, "I do believe but I ask this to reassure my heart." Allah said, "Well, take four birds and tame them with yourself and then (cut them into pieces) and place a piece of each of them on each hill. Then call them and they will come running to you; know this for certain that Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise."

| 002.:260 [KSU] | Waith | qala | ibraheemu | rabbi | arinee | kayfa | tuhyee | almawta | qala | awalam | tumin | qala | bala | walakin | liyatmainna | qalbee | qala | fakhuth | arbaAAatan | mina | alttayri | fasurhunna | ilayka | thumma | ijAAal | AAala | kulli | jabalin | minhunna | juzan | thumma | odAAuhunna | yateenaka | saAAyan | waiAAlam | anna | Allaha | AAazeezun | hakeemun

An-Nisa | 4:89|
|They really wish that you should also become disbelievers, as they themselves are so that both may become alike. So you should not take friends from among them unless they migrate in the way of Allah; and if they do not migrate, then seize them wherever you find them and slay them and do not take any of them as friends and helpers.

| 004.:089 [KSU] | Waddoo | law | takfuroona | kama | kafaroo | fatakoonoona | sawaan | fala | tattakhithoo | minhum | awliyaa | hatta | yuhajiroo | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | fain | tawallaw | fakhuthoohum | waoqtuloohum | haythu | wajadtumoohum | wala | tattakhithoo | minhum | waliyyan | wala | naseeran

An-Nisa | 4:91|
|You will also find another kind of hypocrites, who wish to be at peace with you and also at peace with their own people but who would plunge into mischief, whenever they got an opportunity for it. If such people do not desist from your enmity nor make overtures for peace nor desist from fighting against you, then seize them and slay them wherever you find them, for We have given you a clear authority to fight against them.

| 004.:091 [KSU] | Satajidoona | akhareena | yureedoona | an | yamanookum | wayamanoo | qawmahum | kulla | ma | ruddoo | ila | alfitnati | orkisoo | feeha | fain | lam | yaAAtazilookum | wayulqoo | ilaykumu | alssalama | wayakuffoo | aydiyahum | fakhuthoohum | waoqtuloohum | haythu | thaqiftumoohum | waolaikum | jaAAalna | lakum | AAalayhim | sultanan | mubeenan

Al-Maidah | 5:41|
|O Messenger, let not those who are striving hard in the way of disbelief, grieve you, whether they be from among those who say with their mouths, "We believe," but their hearts do not believe, or from among those who have become Jews; for the latter eagerly listen to lies. They spy for other people who have never had any chance of coming to you: they twist the words of Allahs Book out of their context in order to distort their proper meaning: they say to the people, "If you are enjoined to observe such and such teaching, accept it; if it is other than this, reject it." You can do nothing to save from Allahs punishment a man whom Allah wills to put to trial. They are those, whose hearts Allah does not will to purify; there is ignominy for them in this world and a grievous punishment in the Hereafter.

| 005.:041 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | alrrasoolu | la | yahzunka | allatheena | yusariAAoona | fee | alkufri | mina | allatheena | qaloo | amanna | biafwahihim | walam | tumin | quloobuhum | wamina | allatheena | hadoo | sammaAAoona | lilkathibi | sammaAAoona | liqawmin | akhareena | lam | yatooka | yuharrifoona | alkalima | min | baAAdi | mawadiAAihi | yaqooloona | in | ooteetum | hatha | fakhuthoohu | wain | lam | tutawhu | faihtharoo | waman | yuridi | Allahu | fitnatahu | falan | tamlika | lahu | mina | Allahi | shayan | olaika | allatheena | lam | yuridi | Allahu | an | yutahhira | quloobahum | lahum | fee | alddunya | khizyun | walahum |

Al-Aaraf | 7:144|
|He said, "O Moses! I have chosen you from among all the people to deliver My Message and to have conversation with Me: so take whatever I give you and be grateful."

| 007.:144 [KSU] | Qala | ya | moosa | innee | istafaytuka | AAala | alnnasi | birisalatee | wabikalamee | fakhuth | ma | ataytuka | wakun | mina | alshshakireena