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faminhum [10]

Al-Baqarah | 2:253|
|Of these Messengers (whom We sent for the guidance of mankind), We raised some above the others in rank. Among them was one with whom Allah Himself had direct talks. There were others whom He raised high in rank in other ways. Likewise We gave clear signs to Jesus, son of Mary, and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Had Allah so willed the people who had seen clear signs would not have fought against one another after the Prophets. But (it was not Allahs will to prevent people forcibly from differences: so) they disagreed; then some of them accepted the Truth and others rejected it. If Allah had so willed they would have never fought against one another, but Allah does whatever He pleases (to fulfill His designs.)

| 002.:253 [KSU] | Tilka | alrrusulu | faddalna | baAAdahum | AAala | baAAdin | minhum | man | kallama | Allahu | warafaAAa | baAAdahum | darajatin | waatayna | AAeesa | ibna | maryama | albayyinati | waayyadnahu | biroohi | alqudusi | walaw | shaa | Allahu | ma | iqtatala | allatheena | min | baAAdihim | min | baAAdi | ma | jaathumu | albayyinatu | walakini | ikhtalafoo | faminhum | man | amana | waminhum | man | kafara | walaw | shaa | Allahu | ma | iqtataloo | walakinna | Allaha | yafAAalu | ma | yureedu

An-Nisa | 4:55|
|But some of them believed in it and others turned away from it, and the burning fire of Hell suffices for those who have turned away from it.

| 004.:055 [KSU] | Faminhum | man | amana | bihi | waminhum | man | sadda | AAanhu | wakafa | bijahannama | saAAeeran

At-Tauba | 9:124|
|Whenever a new Surah is revealed, some of them ask the Muslims (in jest), "Say, whose Faith from among you has increased?" (The answer is that) most surely (every Surah) increases the Faith of those who have sincerely believed and they rejoice

| 009.:124 [KSU] | Waitha | ma | onzilat | sooratun | faminhum | man | yaqoolu | ayyukum | zadathu | hathihi | eemanan | faamma | allatheena | amanoo | fazadathum | eemanan | wahum | yastabshiroona

Hud | 11:105|
|When that Day will come, no one shall dare speak a word except with Allahs permission. Then some people shall be damned, while others blessed.

| 011.:105 [KSU] | Yawma | yati | la | takallamu | nafsun | illa | biithnihi | faminhum | shaqiyyun | wasaAAeedin

An-Nahal | 16:36|
|Accordingly, we sent to every community a Messenger, saying, "Worship Allah and keep away from the taghut." After that Allah showed guidance to some of them, while deviation took hold of others. So, roam about in the earth and behold what has been the end of the rejectors of the Messengers.

| 016.:036 [KSU] | Walaqad | baAAathna | fee | kulli | ommatin | rasoolan | ani | oAAbudoo | Allaha | waijtaniboo | alttaghoota | faminhum | man | hada | Allahu | waminhum | man | haqqat | AAalayhi | alddalalatu | faseeroo | fee | alardi | faonthuroo | kayfa | kana | AAaqibatu | almukaththibeena