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faqad [63]

Al-Baqarah | 2:108|
| Would you then ask your Prophet such questions as were asked of Moses in former times? In fact, anyone, who changes the way of belief for that of disbelief, has surely swerved from the Right way.

| 002.:108 [KSU] | Am | tureedoona | an | tasaloo | rasoolakum | kama | suila | moosa | min | qablu | waman | yatabaddali | alkufra | bialeemani | faqad | dalla | sawaa | alssabeeli

Al-Baqarah | 2:137|
| Then if they believe the way you have believed, they have the right guidance,and if they turn away from this, it will become obvious that they are obdurate. Therefore, rest assured that Allah will suffice to defend you against them: He hears everything and knows every thing. "We believe in Allah and the Guidance which has been sent down to us and which was sent to Abraham, Ismail , Isaac and Jacob and his descendants and which was given by their Lord to Moses and Jesus and to all other Prophets. We do not discriminate against any of them136 and we have completely surrendered to Allah as Muslims."

| 002.:137 [KSU] | Fain | amanoo | bimithli | ma | amantum | bihi | faqadi | ihtadaw | wain | tawallaw | fainnama | hum | fee | shiqaqin | fasayakfeekahumu | Allahu | wahuwa | alssameeAAu | alAAaleemu

Al-Baqarah | 2:231|
|And when you have divorced your wives and they are about to complete their prescribed term, then either retain them gracefully or release them generously. It is transgression to retain them merely for harassment; and whoever does that indeed wrongs his own self. Do not play with Allahs Commandments, and remember that Allah has blessed you with a great favour. He admonishes you to show due respect to the Book and the Wisdom He has sent to you. Fear Allah and know that He is fully aware of everything.

| 002.:231 [KSU] | Waitha | tallaqtumu | alnnisaa | fabalaghna | ajalahunna | faamsikoohunna | bimaAAroofin | aw | sarrihoohunna | bimaAAroofin | wala | tumsikoohunna | diraran | litaAAtadoo | waman | yafAAal | thalika | faqad | thalama | nafsahu | wala | tattakhithoo | ayati | Allahi | huzuwan | waothkuroo | niAAmata | Allahi | AAalaykum | wama | anzala | AAalaykum | mina | alkitabi | waalhikmati | yaAAithukum | bihi | waittaqoo | Allaha | waiAAlamoo | anna | Allaha | bikulli | shayin | AAaleemun

Al-Baqarah | 2:256|
|There is no compulsion and coercion in regard to religion. The right thing has been made distinct from the wrong thing: now whoever rejects taghut and believes in Allah has taken a firm support that never gives way. And Allah (Whose support he takes) hears everything and knows everything.

| 002.:256 [KSU] | La | ikraha | fee | alddeeni | qad. | tabayyana | alrrushdu | mina | alghayyi | faman. | yakfur. | bialttaghooti | wayumin. | biAllahi | faqadi | istamsaka | bialAAurwati | alwuthqa | la | infisama | laha | waAllahu | sameeAAun. | AAaleemun

Al-Baqarah | 2:269|
|He bestows wisdom upon anyone He wills, and he who is given wisdom is in fact given great wealth,309 but only those who have common sense learn lessons from these things.

| 002.:269 [KSU] | Yutee | alhikmata | man | yashao | waman | yuta | alhikmata | faqad | ootiya | khayran | katheeran | wama | yaththakkaru | illa | oloo | alalbabi