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fawqa [24]

Al-Baqarah | 2:26|
| Well, Allah is not ashamed to cite the similitude of a gnat or of something even more insignificant than this. As for those who believe, they come to know from the same similitude that it is the Revelation from their Lord; but those who disbelieve, say, "What does Allah mean by such similitudes?" Allah leads astray many and guides many to the right way by the same thing. And He leads astray only those who disobey Allah;

| 002.:026 [KSU] | Inna | Allaha | la | yastahyee | an | yadriba | mathalan | ma | baAAoodatan | fama | fawqaha | faamma | allatheena | amanoo | fayaAAlamoona | annahu | alhaqqu | min | rabbihim | waamma | allatheena | kafaroo | fayaqooloona | matha | arada | Allahu | bihatha | mathalan | yudillu | bihi | katheeran | wayahdee | bihi | katheeran | wama | yudillu | bihi | illa | alfasiqeena

Al-Baqarah | 2:63|
| Call to mind the time when We raised above you the Tur and made a covenant with you, saying, "Hold fast to the Book which We are giving you and bear in mind the commands and precepts contained therein. It is expected that this will lead you on to the paths of virtue and piety."

| 002.:063 [KSU] | Waith | akhathna | meethaqakum | warafaAAna | fawqakumu | alttoora | khuthoo | ma | ataynakum | biquwwatin | waothkuroo | ma | feehi | laAAallakum | tattaqoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:93|
|Recall also to mind the Covenant We made with you while We raised the Tur over you: `Follow strictly the precepts We are giving you and give ear to Our Commandments. Your forefathers replied, "We have heard but we will not obey." They were so prone to unbelief that they cherished the calf in their hearts. Tell them (O Muhammad). "If indeed you are believers, yours is a strange Faith that enjoins you to do such evil things."

| 002.:093 [KSU] |

Waith | akhathna | meethaqakum | warafaAAna | fawqakumu | alttoora | khuthoo | ma | ataynakum | biquwwatin | waismaAAoo | qaloo | samiAAna | waAAasayna | waoshriboo | fee | quloobihimu | alAAijla | bikufrihim | qul | bisama | yamurukum | bihi | eemanukum | in | kuntum | mumineena

Al-Baqarah | 2:212|
|This worldly life has been made very charming and alluring for those who have adopted the way of disbelief. So they mock at those who have adopted the way of belief ,but (they forget that) the pious people will rank above them on the Day of Resurrection. As to the wordly provisions, Allah has full authority and power to bestow these without measure on anyone He wills.

| 002.:212 [KSU] | Zuyyina | lillatheena | kafaroo | alhayatu | alddunya | wayaskharoona | mina | allatheena | amanoo | waallatheena | ittaqaw | fawqahum | yawma | alqiyamati | waAllahu | yarzuqu | man | yashao | bighayri | hisabin

Al-Imran | 3:55|
|(It was to carry out His secret plan that) He said, "O Jesus, now I will recall you and raise you up to Myself and cleanse you of (the uncongenial company and the filthy environment of ) those who have rejected you and will set up those who follow you above those who have rejected you till the Day of Resurrection. And ultimately all of you shall return to Me: then I will judge between you in what you differ,

| 003.:055 [KSU] | Ith | qala | Allahu | ya | AAeesa | innee | mutawaffeeka | warafiAAuka | ilayya | wamutahhiruka | mina | allatheena | kafaroo | wajaAAilu | allatheena | ittabaAAooka | fawqa | allatheena | kafaroo | ila | yawmi | alqiyamati | thumma | ilayya | marjiAAukum | faahkumu | baynakum | feema | kuntum | feehi | takhtalifoona