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firaran [2]

Al-Kahaf | 18:18|
|If you had seen them, it would have appeared to you as if they were awake, whereas in fact they were asleep. We turned them about to the right and the left sides. And their dog was sitting at the entrance of the Cave with outstretched forelegs. If you had looked at them, you would have turned on your heels and their sight would have struck you with terror.

| 018.:018 [KSU] | Watahsabuhum | ayqathan | wahum | ruqoodun | wanuqallibuhum | thata | alyameeni | wathata | alshshimali | wakalbuhum | basitun | thiraAAayhi | bialwaseedi | lawi | ittalaAAta | AAalayhim | lawallayta | minhum | firaran | walamulita | minhum | ruAAban

Al-Ahzab | 33:13|
|when a party of them said, "O people of Yathrib, you have no chance to stay, so go back," when a section of them sought leave of the Prophet, saying, "Our homes are insecure," whereas they were not insecure. in fact, they wished to flee (the battle front).

| 033.:013 [KSU] | Waith | qalat | taifatun | minhum | ya | ahla | yathriba | la | muqama | lakum | fairjiAAoo | wayastathinu | fareequn | minhumu | alnnabiyya | yaqooloona | inna | buyootana | AAawratun | wama | hiya | biAAawratin | in | yureedoona | illa | firaran