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Al-Baqarah | 2:249|
|And when Saul marched out with his army, he warned: "Allah is going to put you to a test by the side of a river: whoso drinks of its water shall cease to be my companion: he alone shall be~my companion who does not quench his thirst with its water: one may, however, take except a few, drank their fill of it. Afterwards when Saul, and those who had believed with him, crossed the river and advanced forward, the former said to Saul, "We have no power left this day to fight against Goliath and his hosts." But those who believed that one Day they shall meet Allah, declared, "lt has often been that a small host has, by Allahs grace, overcome a big host: for Allah is with those who show fortitude."

| 002.:249 [KSU] | Falamma | fasala | talootu | bialjunoodi | qala | inna | Allaha | mubtaleekum | binaharin | faman | shariba | minhu | falaysa | minnee | waman | lam | yatAAamhu | fainnahu | minnee | illa | mani | ightarafa | ghurfatan | biyadihi | fashariboo | minhu | illa | qaleelan | minhum | falamma | jawazahu | huwa | waallatheena | amanoo | maAAahu | qaloo | la | taqata | lana | alyawma | bijaloota | wajunoodihi | qala | allatheena | yathunnoona | annahum | mulaqoo | Allahi | kam | min | fiatin | qaleelatin | ghalabat | fiatan | katheeratan | biithni | Allahi | waAllahu | maAAa | alssabireena

Al-Imran | 3:79|
|No man, to whom Allah gives the Book and sound judgment and Prophethood, would say thereafter to the people, "Be worshippers of me instead of Allah." He will surely say, "Be true Rabbanis in accordance with the teachings of the Book you read and teach.

| 003.:079 [KSU] | Ma | kana | libasharin | an | yutiyahu | Allahu | alkitaba | waalhukma | waalnnubuwwata | thumma | yaqoola | lilnnasi | koonoo | AAibadan | lee | min | dooni | Allahi | walakin | koonoo | rabbaniyyeena | bima | kuntum | tuAAallimoona | alkitaba | wabima | kuntum | tadrusoona

Al-Anaam | 6:91|
|Those people formed quite a wrong estimate of Allah, when they said, "Allah has not sent down anything to any man." Ask them: "Then who sent down the Book, which Moses brought: which was Light and Guidance for mankind: which you have divided into fragments, a part of which you show to the people and most of it you hide from them: by which you were given that knowledge which neither you nor your forefathers possessed?" Just say, "Allah", and then leave them alone to play with their useless arguments.

| 006.:091 [KSU] | Wama | qadaroo | Allaha | haqqa | qadrihi | ith | qaloo | ma | anzala | Allahu | AAala | basharin | min | shayin | qul | man | anzala | alkitaba | allathee | jaa | bihi | moosa | nooran | wahudan | lilnnasi | tajAAaloonahu | qarateesa | tubdoonaha | watukhfoona | katheeran | waAAullimtum | ma | lam | taAAlamoo | antum | wala | abaokum | quli | Allahu | thumma | tharhum | fee | khawdihim | yalAAaboona

At-Tauba | 9:109|
|Why, is he better who founded his building upon Allahs fear and for His approval or he who founded his building on the brink of an under-mined bank that tumbled with him down into the fire of Hell? Allah never shows the Right Way to such workers of iniquity.

| 009.:109 [KSU] | Afaman | assasa | bunyanahu | AAala | taqwa | mina | Allahi | waridwanin | khayrun | am | man | assasa | bunyanahu | AAala | shafa | jurufin | harin | fainhara | bihi | fee | nari | jahannama | waAllahu | la | yahdee | alqawma | alththalimeena

Al-Hijr | 15:33|
|He replied, "It does not behoove me to bow down before this man whom you have created from dried clay of rotten earth."

| 015.:033 [KSU] | Qala | lam | akun | liasjuda | libasharin | khalaqtahu | min | salsalin | min | hamain | masnoonin