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harran [2]

At-Tauba | 9:81|
|Those who were allowed to remain behind, were happy that they had not gone with Allahs Messenger, and had stayed at home, for they did not like to do Jihad in the Way of Allah with their possessions and their persons. They said to the people, "Do not go forth in this heat." Say to them, "The Fire of Hell is much hotter than this"; would that they understood this!

| 009.:081 [KSU] | Fariha | almukhallafoona | bimaqAAadihim | khilafa | rasooli | Allahi | wakarihoo | an | yujahidoo | biamwalihim | waanfusihim | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | waqaloo | la | tanfiroo | fee | alharri | qul | naru | jahannama | ashaddu | harran | law | kanoo | yafqahoona

An-Noor | 24:11|
|Those who have invented the slander, are some of your own people. You should not, however, regard this matter as evil for it has good in it for you. Whoso took any part in this, he earned his share of the sin accordingly, and the one, who had the greatest share of responsibility in it, shall have a terrible punishment.

| 024.:011 [KSU] | Inna | allatheena | jaoo | bialifki | AAusbatun | minkum | la | tahsaboohu | sharran | lakum | bal | huwa | khayrun | lakum | likulli | imriin | minhum | ma | iktasaba | mina | alithmi | waallathee | tawalla | kibrahu | minhum | lahu | AAathabun | AAatheemun