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hasanan [17]

Al-Baqarah | 2:245|
|Who is there among you who will lend to Allah a good loan that He may return it after multiplying it manifold? Allah alone can decrease and increase (wealth) and to Him you shall all return.

| 002.:245 [KSU] | Man | tha | allathee | yuqridu | Allaha | qardan | hasanan | fayudaAAifahu | lahu | adAAafan | katheeratan | waAllahu | yaqbidu | wayabsutu | wailayhi | turjaAAoona

Al-Imran | 3:37|
|So, her Lord very graciously accepted the girl and made her grow up as a good girl and entrusted her to the care of Zacharias. Whenever Zacharias entered the sanctuary to see her, he found some eatables with her; he would ask, "O Mary, whence have these come to you?" She would answer, "It is from Allah: Allah provides without stint for whom He wills."

| 003.:037 [KSU] | Fataqabbalaha | rabbuha | biqaboolin | hasanin | waanbataha | nabatan | hasanan | wakaffalaha | zakariyya | kullama | dakhala | AAalayha | zakariyya | almihraba | wajada | AAindaha | rizqan | qala | ya | maryamu | anna | laki | hatha | qalat | huwa | min | AAindi | Allahi | inna | Allaha | yarzuqu | man | yashao | bighayri | hisabin

Al-Maidah | 5:12|
|Allah had bound the Israelites by a solemn covenant, and appointed twelve supervisors31 from among them and said, "I am with you; if you establish the Salat, pay the Zakat and believe in My Messengers,32 and support them and give a generous loan to Allah,33 I shall surely wipe out your evils from you,34 and admit you into gardens under which canals flow, But after this whoever from among you adopted the way of disbelief, has indeed gone astray from the Right Way."35

| 005.:012 [KSU] | Walaqad | akhatha | Allahu | meethaqa | banee | israeela | wabaAAathna | minhumu | ithnay | AAashara | naqeeban | waqala | Allahu | innee | maAAakum | lain | aqamtumu | alssalata | waataytumu | alzzakata | waamantum | birusulee | waAAazzartumoohum | waaqradtumu | Allaha | qardan | hasanan | laokaffiranna | AAankum | sayyiatikum | walaodkhilannakum | jannatin | tajree | min | tahtiha | alanharu | faman | kafara | baAAda | thalika | minkum | faqad | dalla | sawaa | alssabeeli

Al-Anfal | 8:17|
|So the fact is that you did not slay them but Allah slew them, and you did not throw (the sand) but Allah threw it. (And the hands of the Believers were employed for this work) so that Allah would pass the Believers successfully through this excellent test; indeed Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.

| 008.:017 [KSU] | Falam | taqtuloohum | walakinna | Allaha | qatalahum | wama | ramayta | ith | ramayta | walakinna | Allaha | rama | waliyubliya | almumineena | minhu | balaan | hasanan | inna | Allaha | sameeAAun | AAaleemun

Hud | 11:3|
|And you should ask forgiveness of your Lord: then return to Him and He will provide you with good provisions of life till an appointed term. And He will bestow His favors on everyone who deserves His favors. But if you turn away I am afraid you shall meet with the torment of a dreadful day.

| 011.:003 [KSU] | Waani | istaghfiroo | rabbakum | thumma | tooboo | ilayhi | yumattiAAkum | mataAAan | hasanan | ila | ajalin | musamman | wayuti | kulla | thee | fadlin | fadlahu | wain | tawallaw | fainee | akhafu | AAalaykum | AAathaba | yawmin | kabeerin