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hiya [113]

Al-Baqarah | 2:68|
|Then they said, "Please make a request to your Lord to give us some details of the cow." Moses answered, "Allah says that the cow should neither be old nor immature but of middle age. Do, therefore, as you are bidden."

| 002.:068 [KSU] | Qaloo | odAAu | lana | rabbaka | yubayyin | lana | ma | hiya | qala | innahu | yaqoolu | innaha | baqaratun | la | faridun | wala | bikrun | AAawanun | bayna | thalika | faifAAaloo | ma | tumaroona

Al-Baqarah | 2:70|
|Again they said, "Pray your Lord to specify for us the kind of cow that is required; for cows (of this type) look alike to us. We shall then find her, if God so wills."

| 002.:070 [KSU] | Qaloo | odAAu | lana | rabbaka | yubayyin | lana | ma | hiya | inna | albaqara | tashabaha | AAalayna | wainna | in | shaa | Allahu | lamuhtadoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:71|
|Moses answered, "Allah says that she should be a cow which has not been yoked nor has ploughed the land nor watered the fields; which is sound and whole, without belemish. " Then they cried out, "Now you have given an accurate description. " Then they sacrificed her but they did not appear to be doing this willingly.

| 002.:071 [KSU] | Qala | innahu | yaqoolu | innaha | baqaratun | la | thaloolun | tutheeru | alarda | wala | tasqee | alhartha | musallamatun | la | shiyata | feeha | qaloo | alana | jita | bialhaqqi | fathabahooha | wama | kadoo | yafAAaloona

Al-Baqarah | 2:74|
|But even after seeing these Signs your hearts hardened and became as hard as rocks; nay, even harder than rocks. For there are some rocks out of which springs gush forth, and others which split open, and water issues out of them; then there are some which tumble down for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of what you are doing.

| 002.:074 [KSU] | Thumma | qasat | quloobukum | min | baAAdi | thalika | fahiya | kaalhijarati | aw | ashaddu | qaswatan | wainna | mina | alhijarati | lama | yatafajjaru | minhu | alanharu | wainna | minha | lama | yashshaqqaqu | fayakhruju | minhu | almao | wainna | minha | lama | yahbitu | min | khashyati | Allahi | wama | Allahu | bighafilin | AAamma | taAAmaloona

Al-Baqarah | 2:189|
|They ask you about the phases of the moon. Say, "These are signs for the people to reckon dates and fix the periods for hajj."198 Also tell them, "It is no virtue to enter your houses from their backs during the Hajj days); real virtue is that one should refrain from incurring the displeasure of Allah; so enter your houses by their proper doors. and fear Allah so that you may gain (true) success.

| 002.:189 [KSU] | Yasaloonaka | AAani | alahillati | qul | hiya | mawaqeetu | lilnnasi | waalhajji | walaysa | albirru | bian | tatoo | albuyoota | min | thuhooriha | walakinna | albirra | mani | ittaqa | watoo | albuyoota | min | abwabiha | waittaqoo | Allaha | laAAallakum | tuflihoona