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ihtada [12]

Al-Baqarah | 2:137|
| Then if they believe the way you have believed, they have the right guidance,and if they turn away from this, it will become obvious that they are obdurate. Therefore, rest assured that Allah will suffice to defend you against them: He hears everything and knows every thing. "We believe in Allah and the Guidance which has been sent down to us and which was sent to Abraham, Ismail , Isaac and Jacob and his descendants and which was given by their Lord to Moses and Jesus and to all other Prophets. We do not discriminate against any of them136 and we have completely surrendered to Allah as Muslims."

| 002.:137 [KSU] | Fain | amanoo | bimithli | ma | amantum | bihi | faqadi | ihtadaw | wain | tawallaw | fainnama | hum | fee | shiqaqin | fasayakfeekahumu | Allahu | wahuwa | alssameeAAu | alAAaleemu

Al-Imran | 3:20|
|Now, if they dispute with you, tell them, "As for me and my followers, we have surrendered to Allah." Then ask those, who possess the Book and those who do not, "Have you also surrendered to Him"? If they have surrendered, they are rightly guided. But if they turn away (you need not worry), for your sole responsibility was to convey the Message. As to the consequence, Allah Himself watches closely what His servants do.

| 003.:020 [KSU] | Fain | hajjooka | faqul | aslamtu | wajhiya | lillahi | wamani | ittabaAAani | waqul | lillatheena | ootoo | alkitaba | waalommiyyeena | aaslamtum | fain | aslamoo | faqadi | ihtadaw | wain | tawallaw | fainnama | AAalayka | albalaghu | waAllahu | baseerun | bialAAibadi

Al-Maidah | 5:105|
|O Believers, look after your own souls ; it can do no harm to you, if anyone else goes astray, provided that you yourselves are on the right path. To Allah shall you all return :then He will let you know what you have been doing.

| 005.:105 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | AAalaykum | anfusakum | la | yadurrukum | man | dalla | itha | ihtadaytum | ila | Allahi | marjiAAukum | jameeAAan | fayunabbiokum | bima | kuntum | taAAmaloona

Yunus | 10:108|
|O Muhammad, tell them, "O mankind! the Truth has come to you from your Lord. Now, whosoever follows the Right way, he does so for his own good, and whosoever goes astray, he does so to bring about his own ruin; and I am not a keeper over you. "

| 10.:108 [KSU] | Qul | ya | ayyuha | alnnasu | qad | jaakumu | alhaqqu | min | rabbikum | famani | ihtada | fainnama | yahtadee | linafsihi | waman | dalla | fainnama | yadillu | AAalayha | wama | ana | AAalaykum | biwakeelin

Bani-Israel | 17:15|
|Whosoever adopts the righteous way, his righteous conduct will be for his own good, and whosoever goes astray, his deviation shall bring its consequences on him. No bearer will bear the burden of another. And We do not inflict punishment until We have sent a Messenger (to make Truth distinct from falsehood.)

| 017.:015 [KSU] | Mani | ihtada | fainnama | yahtadee | linafsihi | waman | dalla | fainnama | yadillu | AAalayha | wala | taziru | waziratun | wizra | okhra | wama | kunna | muAAaththibeena | hatta | nabAAatha | rasoolan