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ithna [19]

Al-Baqarah | 2:60|
| Remember that when Moses prayed for water for his people, We answered, "Strike the rock with your staff" : whereupon twelve springs gushed forth from it; the people of every clan came to know their drinking place. (Then they were enjoined:) "Eat and drink of what Allah has provided and do not spread disorder on the earth."

| 002.:060 [KSU] | Waithi | istasqa | moosa | liqawmihi | faqulna | idrib | biAAasaka | alhajara | fainfajarat | minhu | ithnata | AAashrata | AAaynan | qad | AAalima | kullu | onasin | mashrabahum | kuloo | waishraboo | min | rizqi | Allahi | wala | taAAthaw | fee | alardi | mufsideena

Al-Baqarah | 2:286|
|Allah does not burden any human being with a responsibility heavier than he can bear. Everyone will enjoy the fruit of the good that one has earned and shall suffer for the evil that one has committed. (O Believers, pray like this to Allah: ) "Our Lord, take us not to task if we forget and lapse into error inadvertently. Lord! lay not on us the kind of burdens that You had lain on the people before us.340 Lord, lay not on us the kind of burden that we have not the strength to bear. Be kind to us, forgive us and show mercy to us. You are our Protector : help us against the disbelievers."

| 002.:286 [KSU] | La | yukallifu | Allahu | nafsan | illa | wusAAaha | laha | ma | kasabat | waAAalayha | ma | iktasabat | rabbana | la | tuakhithna | in | naseena | aw | akhtana | rabbana | wala | tahmil | AAalayna | isran | kama | hamaltahu | AAala | allatheena | min | qablina | rabbana | wala | tuhammilna | ma | la | taqata | lana | bihi | waoAAfu | AAanna | waighfir | lana | wairhamna | anta | mawlana | faonsurna | AAala | alqawmi | alkafireena

An-Nisa | 4:11|
|As regards inheritance, Allah enjoins you concerning your children that: The share of the male shall be twice that of the female. In case the heirs be more than two females, their total share shall be two-thirds of the whole and if there be only one daughter, her share shall be half of the whole. If the deceased has children, each of his parents shall get one-sixth of the whole, but if he be childless and his parents alone are his heirs, the mother shall have one-third of the whole. If the deceased has brothers and sisters also, the mother shall be entitled to one-sixth of the whole. The division of all these shares shall take place only after fulfilling the terms of the will and after the payment of the debt (if any). As regards your parents and your children, you do not know who is more beneficial to you. Allah has apportioned these shares and most surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise

| 004.:011 [KSU] | Yooseekumu | Allahu | fee | awladikum | lilththakari | mithlu | haththi | alonthayayni | fain | kunna | nisaan | fawqa | ithnatayni | falahunna | thulutha | ma | taraka | wain | kanat | wahidatan | falaha | alnnisfu | waliabawayhi | likulli | wahidin | minhuma | alssudusu | mimma | taraka | in | kana | lahu | waladun | fain | lam | yakun | lahu | waladun | wawarithahu | abawahu | faliommihi | alththuluthu | fain | kana | lahu | ikhwatun | faliommihi | alssudusu | min | baAAdi | wasiyyatin | yoosee | biha | aw | daynin | abaokum | waabnaokum | la | tadroona | ayyuhum | aqrabu | lakum | nafAAan | fareedatan | mina | Allahi | i

An-Nisa | 4:176|
|People seek your verdict on (the inheritance left by) a childless person. Say, "Allah gives His verdict: if a person dies childless and leaves behind a sister, she shall get half of his inheritance: and if the sister dies childless, her brother shall inherit her property: and if the deceased leaves behind two sisters, they shall inherit two thirds of the inheritance: and if the number of the brothers and sisters is more than two, the share of each brother shall be double that of each sister." Allah makes His Commandments plain to you lest you should go astray; Allah has perfect knowledge of everything.

| 004.:176 [KSU] | Yastaftoonaka | quli | Allahu | yufteekum | fee | alkalalati | ini | imruon | halaka | laysa | lahu | waladun | walahu | okhtun | falaha | nisfu | ma | taraka | wahuwa | yarithuha | in | lam | yakun | laha | waladun | fain | kanata | ithnatayni | falahuma | alththuluthani | mimma | taraka | wain | kanoo | ikhwatan | rijalan | wanisaan | falilththakari | mithlu | haththi | alonthayayni | yubayyinu | Allahu | lakum | an | tadilloo | waAllahu | bikulli | shayin | AAaleemun

Al-Maidah | 5:12|
|Allah had bound the Israelites by a solemn covenant, and appointed twelve supervisors31 from among them and said, "I am with you; if you establish the Salat, pay the Zakat and believe in My Messengers,32 and support them and give a generous loan to Allah,33 I shall surely wipe out your evils from you,34 and admit you into gardens under which canals flow, But after this whoever from among you adopted the way of disbelief, has indeed gone astray from the Right Way."35

| 005.:012 [KSU] | Walaqad | akhatha | Allahu | meethaqa | banee | israeela | wabaAAathna | minhumu | ithnay | AAashara | naqeeban | waqala | Allahu | innee | maAAakum | lain | aqamtumu | alssalata | waataytumu | alzzakata | waamantum | birusulee | waAAazzartumoohum | waaqradtumu | Allaha | qardan | hasanan | laokaffiranna | AAankum | sayyiatikum | walaodkhilannakum | jannatin | tajree | min | tahtiha | alanharu | faman | kafara | baAAda | thalika | minkum | faqad | dalla | sawaa | alssabeeli