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jannati [84]

Al-Baqarah | 2:25|
| And give good news (O Muhammad), to those who believe in this Book and do good deeds (in accordance with its teachings). For them there will be gardens underneath which canals flow. Their fruits will so resemble the fruits on the Earth that every time they will be provided with fruits, they will say, "Such fruits were provided to us before on the Earth. " And there will be pure spouses for them and therein they will live for ever.

| 002.:025 [KSU] | Wabashshiri | allatheena | amanoo | waAAamiloo | alssalihati | anna | lahum | jannatin | tajree | min | tahtiha | alanharu | kullama | ruziqoo | minha | min | thamaratin | rizqan | qaloo | hatha | allathee | ruziqna | min | qablu | waotoo | bihi | mutashabihan | walahum | feeha | azwajun | mutahharatun | wahum | feeha | khalidoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:82|
|Only those people who believe and do good deeds, will be the dwellers of the Garden and live there for ever.

| 002.:082 [KSU] | Waallatheena | amanoo | waAAamiloo | alssalihati | olaika | ashabu | aljannati | hum | feeha | khalidoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:221|
|Do not marry mushrik women unless they believe; a slave woman who believes is better than a free woman who does not believe, even though the latter may appear very attractive to you. (Likewise) do not wed your women to mushrik men unless they believe; a slave man who believes is better than a free man who does not, even though he may be very pleasing to you. These mushrik people invite you to the Fire while Allah by His grace invites you to the Garden and His pardon, and He makes His revelations plain to the people so that they should learn a lesson and follow the admonition.

| 002.:221 [KSU] | Wala | tankihoo | almushrikati | hatta | yuminna | walaamatun | muminatun | khayrun | min | mushrikatin | walaw | aAAjabatkum | wala | tunkihoo | almushrikeena | hatta | yuminoo | walaAAabdun | muminun | khayrun | min | mushrikin | walaw | aAAjabakum | olaika | yadAAoona | ila | alnnari | waAllahu | yadAAoo | ila | aljannati | waalmaghfirati | biithnihi | wayubayyinu | ayatihi | lilnnasi | laAAallahum | yatathakkaroona

Al-Baqarah | 2:265|
|In contrast to them, the charity of those, who expend their wealth sincerely with the sole desire of pleasing Allah, may be likened to a garden on a plateau. If heavy rain falls, it yields its produce twofold: and even if there is no heavy rain but only a light shower, that too, is sufficient for it: whatever you do is in the sight of Allah.

| 002.:265 [KSU] | Wamathalu | allatheena | yunfiqoona | amwalahumu | ibtighaa | mardati | Allahi | watathbeetan | min | anfusihim | kamathali | jannatin | birabwatin | asabaha | wabilun | faatat | okulaha | diAAfayni | fain | lam | yusibha | wabilun | fatallun | waAllahu | bima | taAAmaloona | baseerun

Al-Imran | 3:133|
|Hasten to follow the path that leads to forgiveness from your Lord and to the Garden, which is as vast as the heavens and the earth and has been prepared for those pious people

| 003.:133 [KSU] | WasariAAoo | ila | maghfiratin | min | rabbikum | wajannatin | AAarduha | alssamawatu | waalardu | oAAiddat | lilmuttaqeena