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kafara [21]

Al-Baqarah | 2:102|
|(Instead of this,) they began to follow that (magic) to which the devils falsely attributed (the greatness of) the kingdom of Solomon. In fact Solomon .was never involved in any practice of disbelief, but the satans, who taught magic to the people were themselves guilty of disbelief. They were after that thing which was sent to Harut and Marut, the two angels at Babylon. Whenever these two angels taught black art to anyone, they would always give a clear warning beforehand, saying, "We are merely a trial for you; so you should not commit blasphemy. But in spite of this warning, those people used to learn from the angels the art which caused division between husband and wife. Although it was obvious that they could not do any harm to anyone by means of this magic without Allahs permission, yet they learnt that art which could not be profitable even for them but was actually harmful. Moreo

| 002.:102 [KSU] | WaittabaAAoo | ma | tatloo | alshshayateenu | AAala | mulki | sulaymana | wama | kafara | sulaymanu | walakinna | alshshayateena | kafaroo | yuAAallimoona | alnnasa | alssihra | wama | onzila | AAala | almalakayni | bibabila | haroota | wamaroota | wama | yuAAallimani | min | ahadin | hatta | yaqoola | innama | nahnu | fitnatun | fala | takfur | fayataAAallamoona | minhuma | ma | yufarriqoona | bihi | bayna | almari | wazawjihi | wama | hum | bidarreena | bihi | min | ahadin | illa | biithni | Allahi | wayataAAallamoona | ma | yadurruhum | wala | yanfaAAuhum | walaqad | AAalimoo | lamani | ishtarahu | ma | lahu | fee

Al-Baqarah | 2:126|
| And remember that Abraham prayed, "Lord, make this city a city of peace and security, and provide with every kind of fruit those of its people, who believe in Allah and the Last Day. Allah answered, "As for the disbelievers, I will also provide them with the necessities of life in this world,127 though in the Next World I will drag them to the torment of Hell, and that is the worst abode."

| 002.:126 [KSU] | Waith | qala | ibraheemu | rabbi | ijAAal | hatha | baladan | aminan | waorzuq | ahlahu | mina | alththamarati | man | amana | minhum | biAllahi | waalyawmi | alakhiri | qala | waman | kafara | faomattiAAuhu | qaleelan | thumma | adtarruhu | ila | AAathabi | alnnari | wabisa | almaseeru

Al-Baqarah | 2:253|
|Of these Messengers (whom We sent for the guidance of mankind), We raised some above the others in rank. Among them was one with whom Allah Himself had direct talks. There were others whom He raised high in rank in other ways. Likewise We gave clear signs to Jesus, son of Mary, and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Had Allah so willed the people who had seen clear signs would not have fought against one another after the Prophets. But (it was not Allahs will to prevent people forcibly from differences: so) they disagreed; then some of them accepted the Truth and others rejected it. If Allah had so willed they would have never fought against one another, but Allah does whatever He pleases (to fulfill His designs.)

| 002.:253 [KSU] | Tilka | alrrusulu | faddalna | baAAdahum | AAala | baAAdin | minhum | man | kallama | Allahu | warafaAAa | baAAdahum | darajatin | waatayna | AAeesa | ibna | maryama | albayyinati | waayyadnahu | biroohi | alqudusi | walaw | shaa | Allahu | ma | iqtatala | allatheena | min | baAAdihim | min | baAAdi | ma | jaathumu | albayyinatu | walakini | ikhtalafoo | faminhum | man | amana | waminhum | man | kafara | walaw | shaa | Allahu | ma | iqtataloo | walakinna | Allaha | yafAAalu | ma | yureedu

Al-Baqarah | 2:258|
|Have you not considered the case of the person who had an argument with Abraham290 as to `Whom Abraham acknowledged as his Lord? The dispute arose because Allah had given him the kingship, (which had made him arrogant). When Abraham said, "My Lord is He Who gives life and causes death," he answered, "I give life and cause death." Then Abraham said, "Well, Allah brings the sun from the east: just bring it from the west." At this the disbeliever was confounded: (yet he did not believe), for Allah does not show guidance to unjust people.

| 002.:258 [KSU] | Alam | tara | ila | allathee | hajja | ibraheema | fee | rabbihi | an | atahu | Allahu | almulka | ith | qala | ibraheemu | rabbiya | allathee | yuhyee | wayumeetu | qala | ana | ohyee | waomeetu | qala | ibraheemu | fainna | Allaha | yatee | bialshshamsi | mina | almashriqi | fati | biha | mina | almaghribi | fabuhita | allathee | kafara | waAllahu | la | yahdee | alqawma | alththalimeena

Al-Imran | 3:97|
|In it are clear Signs: there is the spot where Abraham used to worship: then it is the sanctuary, and whoso enters it becomes safe and secure. Allah has, therefore, a right on the people that the one, who can afford to reach the house, should perform Haj there: and the one who disobeys (this Commandment should know that) Allah is All-Sufficient and does not stand in need of any creature of the worlds.

| 003.:097 [KSU] | Feehi | ayatun | bayyinatun | maqamu | ibraheema | waman | dakhalahu | kana | aminan | walillahi | AAala | alnnasi | hijju | albayti | mani | istataAAa | ilayhi | sabeelan | waman | kafara | fainna | Allaha | ghaniyyun | AAani | alAAalameena