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kalla [55]

Al-Baqarah | 2:233|
|The (divorced) mothers shall suckle their children for two whole years, if the fathers desire the suckling to be completed. In that case the father of the child shall, in the fair known way, be responsible for their food and clothing. But none should be burdened with more than one can bear: neither the mother should be pressed unjustly (to accept unfair terms) just because she is the mother nor should the father be burdened just because he is the father. And the same responsibility for the maintenance of the mother devolves upon the father of the child and his heir. There is no harm if they wean the child by mutual consent and consultation. Moreover, there is no harm if you choose to give your children a suckle by a wet nurse, provided that you pay her fairly. Fear Allah and know it well that whatever you do is in the sight of Allah.

| 002.:233 [KSU] | Waalwalidatu | yurdiAAna | awladahunna | hawlayni | kamilayni | liman | arada | an | yutimma | alrradaAAata | waAAala | almawloodi | lahu | rizquhunna | wakiswatuhunna | bialmaAAroofi | la | tukallafu | nafsun | illa | wusAAaha | la | tudarra | walidatun | biwaladiha | wala | mawloodun | lahu | biwaladihi | waAAala | alwarithi | mithlu | thalika | fain | arada | fisalan | AAan | taradin | minhuma | watashawurin | fala | junaha | AAalayhima | wain | aradtum | an | tastardiAAoo | awladakum | fala | junaha | AAalaykum | itha | sallamtum | ma | ataytum | bialmaAAroofi | waittaqoo | Allaha | waiAAlamoo | anna | Allaha

Al-Baqarah | 2:253|
|Of these Messengers (whom We sent for the guidance of mankind), We raised some above the others in rank. Among them was one with whom Allah Himself had direct talks. There were others whom He raised high in rank in other ways. Likewise We gave clear signs to Jesus, son of Mary, and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Had Allah so willed the people who had seen clear signs would not have fought against one another after the Prophets. But (it was not Allahs will to prevent people forcibly from differences: so) they disagreed; then some of them accepted the Truth and others rejected it. If Allah had so willed they would have never fought against one another, but Allah does whatever He pleases (to fulfill His designs.)

| 002.:253 [KSU] | Tilka | alrrusulu | faddalna | baAAdahum | AAala | baAAdin | minhum | man | kallama | Allahu | warafaAAa | baAAdahum | darajatin | waatayna | AAeesa | ibna | maryama | albayyinati | waayyadnahu | biroohi | alqudusi | walaw | shaa | Allahu | ma | iqtatala | allatheena | min | baAAdihim | min | baAAdi | ma | jaathumu | albayyinatu | walakini | ikhtalafoo | faminhum | man | amana | waminhum | man | kafara | walaw | shaa | Allahu | ma | iqtataloo | walakinna | Allaha | yafAAalu | ma | yureedu

Al-Baqarah | 2:259|
|Or take the case of the one who passed by a township that had fallen down upon its roofs. He exclaimed, "How shall Allah bring back to life this township that has become dead?" At this Allah caused him to die and he lay dead for a hundred years. Then Allah brought him back to life and asked him, "How long have you lain here?" He answered. "I might have lain here for a day or a few hours." Allah said, "Nay, you have been lying here in this state for a hundred years: now, just have a look at your food and your drink; they have not become spoiled in the least. Then have a look at your ass, (and see that his very bones have become rotten) and We have done this in order to make you a Sign for the people. Look, how We raise up the skeleton and set the bones (of the ass) and cover them with flesh and (put breath of life into them)." And when the Reality became manifest to him, he said, "I know

| 002.:259 [KSU] | Aw | kaallathee | marra | AAala | qaryatin | wahiya | khawiyatun | AAala | AAurooshiha | qala | anna | yuhyee | hathihi | Allahu | baAAda | mawtiha | faamatahu | Allahu | miata | AAamin | thumma | baAAathahu | qala | kam | labithta | qala | labithtu | yawman | aw | baAAda | yawmin | qala | bal | labithta | miata | AAamin | faonthur | ila | taAAamika | washarabika | lam | yatasannah | waonthur | ila | himarika | walinajAAalaka | ayatan | lilnnasi | waonthur | ila | alAAithami | kayfa | nunshizuha | thumma | naksooha | lahman | falamma | tabayyana | lahu | qala | aAAlamu | anna | Allaha | AAala | kulli | shayin | qadeerun

Al-Baqarah | 2:264|
|O Believers, do not spoil your charity by taunts and injury to the recipients like the one who practises charity to be seen by men, while he neither believes in Allah nor in the Last Day. His charity may be likened to the rainfall on a rock which had only a thin layer of soil upon it. When heavy rain fell on it, the whole of the soil washed away and the rock was left bare Such people do not gain the reward they imagine they have earned by their seeming charity; Allah does not show the Right Way to the ungrateful.

| 002.:264 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | la | tubtiloo | sadaqatikum | bialmanni | waalatha | kaallathee | yunfiqu | malahu | riaa | alnnasi | wala | yuminu | biAllahi | waalyawmi | alakhiri | famathaluhu | kamathali | safwanin | AAalayhi | turabun | faasabahu | wabilun | fatarakahu | saldan | la | yaqdiroona | AAala | shayin | mimma | kasaboo | waAllahu | la | yahdee | alqawma | alkafireena

Al-Imran | 3:105|
|And do not be like those, who became divided into sects and got involved in differences of opinion even after receiving clear teachings. Those (who have caused divisions), shall suffer a terrible punishment on the Day,

| 003.:105 [KSU] | Wala | takoonoo | kaallatheena | tafarraqoo | waikhtalafoo | min | baAAdi | ma | jaahumu | albayyinatu | waolaika | lahum | AAathabun | AAatheemun