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kataba [8]

Al-Baqarah | 2:79|
|So woe to their learned people, who write the law with their own hands and then say to the people, "This is from Allah," so that they might gain some paltry worldly end. (They do not see that) this writing of their hands will bring woe to them and what they gain thereby will lead to their ruin.

| 002.:079 [KSU] | Fawaylun | lillatheena | yaktuboona | alkitaba | biaydeehim | thumma | yaqooloona | hatha | min | AAindi | Allahi | liyashtaroo | bihi | thamanan | qaleelan | fawaylun | lahum | mimma | katabat | aydeehim | wawaylun | lahum | mimma | yaksiboona

Al-Baqarah | 2:187|
|It has been made lawful for you to go to your wives during the nights of the fast days. They are as a garment to you and you are as a garment to them. Though Allah knew that you were secretly dishonest to yourselves, He has pardoned your guilt and forgiven you. NOW you are permitted to have intercourse with your wives and enjoy what Allah has made lawful for you. You are also pemitted to eat and drink during the nights of the Fast months.192 until you can discern the white streak of dawn from the blackness of night. Then (abstain from all these things and) complete your fast till night-fall. But you should not have intercourse with your wives while you confine yourselves to mosques. These are the bounds set by Allah; so do nut go near them. In this way Allah makes His Commands clear to mankind. It is expected that they will guard themselves against wrong ways.

| 002.:187 [KSU] | Ohilla | lakum | laylata | alssiyami | alrrafathu | ila | nisaikum | hunna | libasun | lakum | waantum | libasun | lahunna | AAalima | Allahu | annakum | kuntum | takhtanoona | anfusakum | fataba | AAalaykum | waAAafa | AAankum | faalana | bashiroohunna | waibtaghoo | ma | kataba | Allahu | lakum | wakuloo | waishraboo | hatta | yatabayyana | lakumu | alkhaytu | alabyadu | mina | alkhayti | alaswadi | mina | alfajri | thumma | atimmoo | alssiyama | ila | allayli | wala | tubashiroohunna | waantum | AAakifoona | fee | almasajidi | tilka | hudoodu | Allahi | fala | taqrabooha | kathalika | yubayyinu | Allahu | ayatih

Al-Maidah | 5:21|
|O my people, enter the Holy Land that Allah has destined for you, and, do not turn your backs or you will turn about losers,"

| 005.:021 [KSU] | Ya | qawmi | odkhuloo | alarda | almuqaddasata | allatee | kataba | Allahu | lakum | wala | tartaddoo | AAala | adbarikum | fatanqaliboo | khasireena

Al-Anaam | 6:12|
|Ask them, "To Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth?" Say, "To Allah, Who has prescribed mercy and generosity for Himself: (that is why He does not catch hold of you immediately at your first disobedience). He will, however, certainly muster all of you on the Day of Resurrection. There is no doubt about this; yet those who have made themselves liable to ruin, do not believe in this."

| 006.:012 [KSU] | Qul | liman | ma | fee | alssamawati | waalardi | qul | lillahi | kataba | AAala | nafsihi | alrrahmata | layajmaAAannakum | ila | yawmi | alqiyamati | la | rayba | feehi | allatheena | khasiroo | anfusahum | fahum | la | yuminoona

Al-Anaam | 6:54|
|When those, who have believed in Our Revelations, come to you, say to them, "Peace be upon you: your Lord has prescribed for Himself mercy and compassion. (It is His compassion that) He forgives and treats with leniency anyone who commits an evil through ignorance and then repents and mends his ways."

| 006.:054 [KSU] | Waitha | jaaka | allatheena | yuminoona | biayatina | faqul | salamun | AAalaykum | kataba | rabbukum | AAala | nafsihi | alrrahmata | annahu | man | AAamila | minkum | sooan | bijahalatin | thumma | taba | min | baAAdihi | waaslaha | faannahu | ghafoorun | raheemun