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kaththabun [3]

Suad | 38:4|
|These people wondered that a warner from among themselves has come to them. The disbelievers began to say, "He is a sorcerer, a liar!

| 038.:004 [KSU] | WaAAajiboo | an | jaahum | munthirun | minhum | waqala | alkafiroona | hatha | sahirun | kaththabun

Al-Momin | 40:24|
|to Pharaoh and Haman and Korah, but they said, "He is a sorcerer, a liar."

| 040.:024 [KSU] | Ila | firAAawna | wahamana | waqaroona | faqaloo | sahirun | kaththabun

Al-Momin | 40:28|
|At this, a believing man from among the kinsfolk of Pharaoh, who had kept his faith hidden, spoke out, "Would you kill a man merely because he says: My Lord is Allah? Whereas he has brought clear Signs to you from your Lord. If he is a liar, his lie will recoil on him, but if he is truthful, some of the dreadful things with which he threatens you, will certainly befall you. Allah does not guide the one who is a transgressor and a liar.

| 040.:028 [KSU] | Waqala | rajulun | muminun | min | ali | firAAawna | yaktumu | eemanahu | ataqtuloona | rajulan | an | yaqoola | rabbiyya | Allahu | waqad | jaakum | bialbayyinati | min | rabbikum | wain | yaku | kathiban | faAAalayhi | kathibuhu | wain | yaku | sadiqan | yusibkum | baAAdu | allathee | yaAAidukum | inna | Allaha | la | yahdee | man | huwa | musrifun | kaththabun