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kayfa [82]

Al-Baqarah | 2:259|
|Or take the case of the one who passed by a township that had fallen down upon its roofs. He exclaimed, "How shall Allah bring back to life this township that has become dead?" At this Allah caused him to die and he lay dead for a hundred years. Then Allah brought him back to life and asked him, "How long have you lain here?" He answered. "I might have lain here for a day or a few hours." Allah said, "Nay, you have been lying here in this state for a hundred years: now, just have a look at your food and your drink; they have not become spoiled in the least. Then have a look at your ass, (and see that his very bones have become rotten) and We have done this in order to make you a Sign for the people. Look, how We raise up the skeleton and set the bones (of the ass) and cover them with flesh and (put breath of life into them)." And when the Reality became manifest to him, he said, "I know

| 002.:259 [KSU] | Aw | kaallathee | marra | AAala | qaryatin | wahiya | khawiyatun | AAala | AAurooshiha | qala | anna | yuhyee | hathihi | Allahu | baAAda | mawtiha | faamatahu | Allahu | miata | AAamin | thumma | baAAathahu | qala | kam | labithta | qala | labithtu | yawman | aw | baAAda | yawmin | qala | bal | labithta | miata | AAamin | faonthur | ila | taAAamika | washarabika | lam | yatasannah | waonthur | ila | himarika | walinajAAalaka | ayatan | lilnnasi | waonthur | ila | alAAithami | kayfa | nunshizuha | thumma | naksooha | lahman | falamma | tabayyana | lahu | qala | aAAlamu | anna | Allaha | AAala | kulli | shayin | qadeerun

Al-Baqarah | 2:260|
|Call to mind the other event also, when Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how Thou bringest the dead back to life?" He said "Have you no faith in this?" Abraham humbly replied, "I do believe but I ask this to reassure my heart." Allah said, "Well, take four birds and tame them with yourself and then (cut them into pieces) and place a piece of each of them on each hill. Then call them and they will come running to you; know this for certain that Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise."

| 002.:260 [KSU] | Waith | qala | ibraheemu | rabbi | arinee | kayfa | tuhyee | almawta | qala | awalam | tumin | qala | bala | walakin | liyatmainna | qalbee | qala | fakhuth | arbaAAatan | mina | alttayri | fasurhunna | ilayka | thumma | ijAAal | AAala | kulli | jabalin | minhunna | juzan | thumma | odAAuhunna | yateenaka | saAAyan | waiAAlam | anna | Allaha | AAazeezun | hakeemun

Al-Imran | 3:6|
|It is He Who shapes you in the wombs of your mothers as He wills. There is no deity but He, the Al-Mighty, the All-Wise.

| 003.:006 [KSU] | Huwa | allathee | yusawwirukum | fee | alarhami | kayfa | yashao | la | ilaha | illa | huwa | alAAazeezu | alhakeemu

Al-Imran | 3:25|
|But what will they do when We will gather them together on the Day which is sure to come? On that day, everyone will be paid in full for what one has earned, and none shall be wronged.

| 003.:025 [KSU] | Fakayfa | itha | jamaAAnahum | liyawmin | la | rayba | feehi | wawuffiyat | kullu | nafsin | ma | kasabat | wahum | la | yuthlamoona

Al-Imran | 3:86|
|How can it be that Allah would guide the people who adopted disbelief after they had acknowledged the Faith and after they themselves had borne witness that he was a true Prophet and after clear Signs had come to them? For Allah does not guide the unjust people.

| 003.:086 [KSU] | Kayfa | yahdee | Allahu | qawman | kafaroo | baAAda | eemanihim | washahidoo | anna | alrrasoola | haqqun | wajaahumu | albayyinatu | waAllahu | la | yahdee | alqawma | alththalimeena