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khayru [95]

Al-Baqarah | 2:54|
| Remember that when Moses (returned with the Divine Gift, he) said to his people, "O my people, you have .wronged yourselves grievously by taking the calf for worship. Therefore, turn to your Creator . in penitence and slay the guilty ones among you.70 This is best for you in the sight of your Creator." At that time your Creator accepted your repentance because He is Relenting and Merciful.

| 002.:054 [KSU] | Waith | qala | moosa | liqawmihi | ya | qawmi | innakum | thalamtum | anfusakum | biittikhathikumu | alAAijla | fatooboo | ila | bariikum | faoqtuloo | anfusakum | thalikum | khayrun | lakum | AAinda | bariikum | fataba | AAalaykum | innahu | huwa | alttawwabu | alrraheemu

Al-Baqarah | 2:61|
| Remember: You grumbled: "O Moses, we cannot endure one and the same sort of food. Pray your Lord to bring for us the products of the earth green herbs, vegetables, corn, garlic, onions, pulses and the like." Moses replied: "What! would you exchange that which is meaner for that which is nobler? Well, go and live in a town and you will get there what you demand." By and by, they became so degraded that disgrace and humiliation, misery and wretchedness were stamped upon them and they incurred Allahs wrath. That was because they began to reject the Revelations of Allah78 and kill His Messengers without any just cause; that was the consequence of their disobedience and their persistent transgression against the Law.

| 002.:061 [KSU] | Waith | qultum | ya | moosa | lan | nasbira | AAala | taAAamin | wahidin | faodAAu | lana | rabbaka | yukhrij | lana | mimma | tunbitu | alardu | min | baqliha | waqiththaiha | wafoomiha | waAAadasiha | wabasaliha | qala | atastabdiloona | allathee | huwa | adna | biallathee | huwa | khayrun | ihbitoo | misran | fainna | lakum | ma | saaltum | waduribat | AAalayhimu | alththillatu | waalmaskanatu | wabaoo | bighadabin | mina | Allahi | thalika | biannahum | kanoo | yakfuroona | biayati | Allahi | wayaqtuloona | alnnabiyyeena | bighayri | alhaqqi | thalika | bima | AAasaw | wakanoo | yaAAtadoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:103|
|Had they believed in Allah and practised piety, they would have received a far better reward from AIIah, if they had but known it.

| 002.:103 [KSU] | Walaw | annahum | amanoo | waittaqaw | lamathoobatun | min | AAindi | Allahi | khayrun | law | kanoo | yaAAlamoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:184|
|The Fast is to be observed for a fixed number of days. If, however, anyone of you be sick or on a journey, he should fast the same number of other days. As for those who can fast (but do not), the expiation of this shall be the feeding of one needy person for one fast day, and whoso does more than this with a willing heart does it for his own good. But if you understand the thing, it is better for you to observe the Fast.

| 002.:184 [KSU] | Ayyaman | maAAdoodatin | faman | kana | minkum | mareedan | aw | AAala | safarin | faAAiddatun | min | ayyamin | okhara | waAAala | allatheena | yuteeqoonahu | fidyatun | taAAamu | miskeenin | faman | tatawwaAAa | khayran | fahuwa | khayrun | lahu | waan | tasoomoo | khayrun | lakum | in | kuntum | taAAlamoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:216|
|You have been enjoined to go to war, and you dislike it; it may be that you dislike a thing and the same is good for you, and you love a thing and the same is bad for you: Allah knows but you do not.

| 002.:216 [KSU] | Kutiba | AAalaykumu | alqitalu | wahuwa | kurhun | lakum | waAAasa | an | takrahoo | shayan | wahuwa | khayrun | lakum | waAAasa | an | tuhibboo | shayan | wahuwa | sharrun | lakum | waAllahu | yaAAlamu | waantum | la | taAAlamoona