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lahman [3]

Al-Baqarah | 2:259|
|Or take the case of the one who passed by a township that had fallen down upon its roofs. He exclaimed, "How shall Allah bring back to life this township that has become dead?" At this Allah caused him to die and he lay dead for a hundred years. Then Allah brought him back to life and asked him, "How long have you lain here?" He answered. "I might have lain here for a day or a few hours." Allah said, "Nay, you have been lying here in this state for a hundred years: now, just have a look at your food and your drink; they have not become spoiled in the least. Then have a look at your ass, (and see that his very bones have become rotten) and We have done this in order to make you a Sign for the people. Look, how We raise up the skeleton and set the bones (of the ass) and cover them with flesh and (put breath of life into them)." And when the Reality became manifest to him, he said, "I know

| 002.:259 [KSU] | Aw | kaallathee | marra | AAala | qaryatin | wahiya | khawiyatun | AAala | AAurooshiha | qala | anna | yuhyee | hathihi | Allahu | baAAda | mawtiha | faamatahu | Allahu | miata | AAamin | thumma | baAAathahu | qala | kam | labithta | qala | labithtu | yawman | aw | baAAda | yawmin | qala | bal | labithta | miata | AAamin | faonthur | ila | taAAamika | washarabika | lam | yatasannah | waonthur | ila | himarika | walinajAAalaka | ayatan | lilnnasi | waonthur | ila | alAAithami | kayfa | nunshizuha | thumma | naksooha | lahman | falamma | tabayyana | lahu | qala | aAAlamu | anna | Allaha | AAala | kulli | shayin | qadeerun

An-Nahal | 16:14|
|It is He Who has subjected the sea to your service so that you may get fresh flesh from it to eat and bring out of it articles of ornament, which you wear, and you see that the ship sails her course through it. He has done all this so that you may seek of His bounty11 and show gratitude to Him.

| 016.:014 [KSU] | Wahuwa | allathee | sakhkhara | albahra | litakuloo | minhu | lahman | tariyyan | watastakhrijoo | minhu | hilyatan | talbasoonaha | watara | alfulka | mawakhira | feehi | walitabtaghoo | min | fadlihi | walaAAallakum | tashkuroona

Al-Mominoon | 23:14|
|then changed the sperm drop into a clot of blood and the clot into a piece of flesh: then turned the piece of flesh into bones: then clothed the bones with flesh, and then brought him forth as quite a different creation (from the embryo). So blessed is Allah, the best of all creators.

| 023.:014 [KSU] | Thumma | khalaqna | alnnutfata | AAalaqatan | fakhalaqna | alAAalaqata | mudghatan | fakhalaqna | almudghata | AAithaman | fakasawna | alAAithama | lahman | thumma | anshanahu | khalqan | akhara | fatabaraka | Allahu | ahsanu | alkhaliqeena

Al-Fatir | 35:12|
|And the two bodies of water are not alike. One is sweet and thirst-quenching, pleasant to drink, while the other is saltish and pungent; yet from both you get fresh flesh and bring out decorations to wear, and in the same waters you see the ships which plough through it so that you may seek Allah's bounty and be grateful to Him.

| 035.:012 [KSU] | Wama | yastawee | albahrani | hatha | AAathbun | furatun | saighun | sharabuhu | wahatha | milhun | ojajun | wamin | kullin | takuloona | lahman | tariyyan | watastakhrijoona | hilyatan | talbasoonaha | watara | alfulka | feehi | mawakhira | litabtaghoo | min | fadlihi | walaAAallakum | tashkuroona