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Al-Baqarah | 2:267|
|O Believers, expend in Allahs Way the best portion of the wealth you have earned and of that We have produced for you from the earth, and do not pick out for charity those worthless things which you yourselves would only accept in disdain by connivance, if they were offered to you. Understand it well that Allah does not stand in need of anything whatsoever and has all the praise-worthy attributes.

| 002.:267 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | anfiqoo | min | tayyibati | ma | kasabtum | wamimma | akhrajna | lakum | mina | alardi | wala | tayammamoo | alkhabeetha | minhu | tunfiqoona | walastum | biakhitheehi | illa | an | tughmidoo | feehi | waiAAlamoo | anna | Allaha | ghaniyyun | hameedun

Al-Maidah | 5:68|
|Tell them plainly, "O people of the Book, you have no valid ground to stand on unless you observe the Torah and the Gospel and the other Books which have been sent down to you from your Lord." It is certain that the foregoing decree which has been sent down to you from your Lord, will increase all the more the rebellion and disbelief of many of them, but you should not grieve for the disbelievers.

| 005.:068 [KSU] | Qul | ya | ahla | alkitabi | lastum | AAala | shayin | hatta | tuqeemoo | alttawrata | waalinjeela | wama | onzila | ilaykum | min | rabbikum | walayazeedanna | katheeran | minhum | ma | onzila | ilayka | min | rabbika | tughyanan | wakufran | fala | tasa | AAala | alqawmi | alkafireena

Al-Anaam | 6:66|
|Your people are rejecting it (the Quran), although it is the Truth. Say, "I have not been made a supervisor over you.

| 006.:066 [KSU] | Wakaththaba | bihi | qawmuka | wahuwa | alhaqqu | qul | lastu | AAalaykum | biwakeelin

Al-Aaraf | 7:172|
|And, O Prophet, remind the people of the time, when your Lord brought forth from the loins of the Children of Adam, their descendants and made them bear witness about themselves. He asked them, "Am I not your Lord?" They replied, "Most certainly, Thou alone art our Lord; we bear witness to this. "This We did lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection, "We were unaware of this thing,"

| 007.:172 [KSU] | Waith | akhatha | rabbuka | min | banee | adama | min | thuhoorihim | thurriyyatahum | waashhadahum | AAala | anfusihim | alastu | birabbikum | qaloo | bala | shahidna | an | taqooloo | yawma | alqiyamati | inna | kunna | AAan | hatha | ghafileena

Al-Hijr | 15:20|
|And We provided therein means of sustenance for you and for many other creatures for whom you do not provide.

| 015.:020 [KSU] | WajaAAalna | lakum | feeha | maAAayisha | waman | lastum | lahu | biraziqeena