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Al-Imran | 3:153|
|Recall how you were fleeing in such a panic that you did not even look back at one another, and the Messenger in your rear was calling nut to you. Consequently, Allah inflicted upon you one sorrow after the other so that you may learn this lesson for the that you should not grieve for what you have lost and for any misfortune that might befall you: Allah is fully aware of all that you are doing.

| 003.:153 [KSU] | Ith | tusAAidoona | wala | talwoona | AAala | ahadin | waalrrasoolu | yadAAookum | fee | okhrakum | faathabakum | ghamman | bighammin | likayla | tahzanoo | AAala | ma | fatakum | wala | ma | asabakum | waAllahu | khabeerun | bima | taAAmaloona

An-Nahal | 16:70|
|And consider this: Allah created you: then He causes your death; and some one from among you is carried on to abject old age so that after knowing all he could, he may no longer have any knowledge of it. The fact is that Allah alone is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.

| 016.:070 [KSU] | WaAllahu | khalaqakum | thumma | yatawaffakum | waminkum | man | yuraddu | ila | arthali | alAAumuri | likay | la | yaAAlama | baAAda | AAilmin | shayan | inna | Allaha | AAaleemun | qadeerun

Al-Hajj | 22:5|
|O people, if you have any doubt about Life after death, you should know that We first created you of clay, then of a sperm-drop then of a clot of blood, then of a lump of flesh, shaped or shapeless. ( We are telling you this) so that We may make the reality plain to you. And We make those (sperm drops), which We will, remain in the wombs for a fixed period, then We bring you forth as a child; then (We nourish you) so that you may attain to your full youth. And there may be among you one who is recalled earlier and one who is returned to the most abject age so that he should know nothing even after knowing all he could. And you see the land lying dry and barren, but as soon as We send down rain water upon it, it stirs (to life), and swells and brings forth every kind of luxuriant vegetation.

| 022.:005 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | alnnasu | in | kuntum | fee | raybin | mina | albaAAthi | fainna | khalaqnakum | min | turabin | thumma | min | nutfatin | thumma | min | AAalaqatin | thumma | min | mudghatin | mukhallaqatin | waghayri | mukhallaqatin | linubayyina | lakum | wanuqirru | fee | alarhami | ma | nashao | ila | ajalin | musamman | thumma | nukhrijukum | tiflan | thumma | litablughoo | ashuddakum | waminkum | man | yutawaffa | waminkum | man | yuraddu | ila | arthali | alAAumuri | likayla | yaAAlama | min | baAAdi | AAilmin | shayan | watara | alarda | hamidatan | faitha | anzalna | AAalayha | almaa | ihtazzat | warabat | waanbata

Al-Ahzab | 33:37|
|O Prophet, remember the time when you were saying to the man, whom Allah as well as you had favored,"Keep your wife and fear Allah." You were at that time keeping hidden in your heart that which Allah intended to reveal: you were fearing the people, whereas Allah has a greater right that you should fear Him. So, when Zaid had fulfilled his desire of her, We married (the divorced woman) to you so that there remains no hindrance for the believers in regard to the wives of their adopted sons when they have fulfilled their desire of them. And Allah's Command had to be carried out.

| 033.:037 [KSU] | Waith | taqoolu | lillathee | anAAama | Allahu | AAalayhi | waanAAamta | AAalayhi | amsik | AAalayka | zawjaka | waittaqi | Allaha | watukhfee | fee | nafsika | ma | Allahu | mubdeehi | watakhsha | alnnasa | waAllahu | ahaqqu | an | takhshahu | falamma | qada | zaydun | minha | wataran | zawwajnakaha | likay | la | yakoona | AAala | almumineena | harajun | fee | azwaji | adAAiyaihim | itha | qadaw | minhunna | wataran | wakana | amru | Allahi | mafAAoolan

Al-Ahzab | 33:50|
|O Prophet, We have made lawful to you those of your wives, whose dowers you have paid, and those women who come into your possession out of the slave girls granted by Allah, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and of your maternal uncles and aunts, who have migrated with you, and the believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet if the Prophet may desire to marry her. This privilege is for you only, not for the other believers. We know what restrictions We have imposed on the other believers concerning their wives and slave girls. (You have been made an exception) so that there may be no hindrance to you; and Allah is All Forgiving, All Merciful.

| 033.:050 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | alnnabiyyu | inna | ahlalna | laka | azwajaka | allatee | atayta | ojoorahunna | wama | malakat | yameenuka | mimma | afaa | Allahu | AAalayka | wabanati | AAammika | wabanati | AAammatika | wabanati | khalika | wabanati | khalatika | allatee | hajarna | maAAaka | waimraatan | muminatan | in | wahabat | nafsaha | lilnnabiyyi | in | arada | alnnabiyyu | an | yastankihaha | khalisatan | laka | min | dooni | almumineena | qad | AAalimna | ma | faradna | AAalayhim | fee | azwajihim | wama | malakat | aymanuhum | likayla | yakoona | AAalayka | harajun | wakana | Allahu | ghafooran | raheeman