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Al-Baqarah | 2:102|
|(Instead of this,) they began to follow that (magic) to which the devils falsely attributed (the greatness of) the kingdom of Solomon. In fact Solomon .was never involved in any practice of disbelief, but the satans, who taught magic to the people were themselves guilty of disbelief. They were after that thing which was sent to Harut and Marut, the two angels at Babylon. Whenever these two angels taught black art to anyone, they would always give a clear warning beforehand, saying, "We are merely a trial for you; so you should not commit blasphemy. But in spite of this warning, those people used to learn from the angels the art which caused division between husband and wife. Although it was obvious that they could not do any harm to anyone by means of this magic without Allahs permission, yet they learnt that art which could not be profitable even for them but was actually harmful. Moreo

| 002.:102 [KSU] | WaittabaAAoo | ma | tatloo | alshshayateenu | AAala | mulki | sulaymana | wama | kafara | sulaymanu | walakinna | alshshayateena | kafaroo | yuAAallimoona | alnnasa | alssihra | wama | onzila | AAala | almalakayni | bibabila | haroota | wamaroota | wama | yuAAallimani | min | ahadin | hatta | yaqoola | innama | nahnu | fitnatun | fala | takfur | fayataAAallamoona | minhuma | ma | yufarriqoona | bihi | bayna | almari | wazawjihi | wama | hum | bidarreena | bihi | min | ahadin | illa | biithni | Allahi | wayataAAallamoona | ma | yadurruhum | wala | yanfaAAuhum | walaqad | AAalimoo | lamani | ishtarahu | ma | lahu | fee

Al-Baqarah | 2:154|
|And do not say of those who are slain in the way of Allah, "they are dead." In fact, they are alive but you do not perceive that life.

| 002.:154 [KSU] | Wala | taqooloo | liman | yuqtalu | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | amwatun | bal | ahyaon | walakin | la | tashAAuroona

Al-Baqarah | 2:196|
|When you make up your mind to perform Hajj and `Umrah,accomplish these to please Allah. But if you are hemmed in somewhere, then offer to Allah whatever sacrifice you can afford. And do not shave your heads until the sacrifice reaches its place. But whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head and has his head shaved shall atone for this either by fasting or by alms-giving or by offering a sacrifice However, when you are secure (and you reach Makkah before the Hajj season begins), whoever takes advantage of this opportunity to perform `Umrah shall offer the sacrifice that he can afford. But if he cannot afford a sacrifice, he shall fast three days during the Hajj season and seven days after reaching home, that is, ten days in all. This concession is only for those whose homes are not near the Masjid Haram, refrain from transgressing these Commandments of Allah and know it well

| 002.:196 [KSU] | Waatimmoo | alhajja | waalAAumrata | lillahi | fain | ohsirtum | fama | istaysara | mina | alhadyi | wala | tahliqoo | ruoosakum | hatta | yablugha | alhadyu | mahillahu | faman | kana | minkum | mareedan | aw | bihi | athan | min | rasihi | fafidyatun | min | siyamin | aw | sadaqatin | aw | nusukin | faitha | amintum | faman | tamattaAAa | bialAAumrati | ila | alhajji | fama | istaysara | mina | alhadyi | faman | lam | yajid | fasiyamu | thalathati | ayyamin | fee | alhajji | wasabAAatin | itha | rajaAAtum | tilka | AAasharatun | kamilatun | thalika | liman | lam | yakun | ahluhu | hadiree | almasjidi | alharami | waittaqoo

Al-Baqarah | 2:203|
|So pass these few appointed days in remembering Allah; then there is nothing wrong if one hastens on (from Mina) after two days or stays there (a day) longer, provided that he spends these days in piety. Do not disobey Him and remember that One Day you shall be mustered before Him.

| 002.:203 [KSU] | Waothkuroo | Allaha | fee | ayyamin | maAAdoodatin | faman | taAAajjala | fee | yawmayni | fala | ithma | AAalayhi | waman | taakhkhara | fala | ithma | AAalayhi | limani | ittaqa | waittaqoo | Allaha | waiAAlamoo | annakum | ilayhi | tuhsharoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:233|
|The (divorced) mothers shall suckle their children for two whole years, if the fathers desire the suckling to be completed. In that case the father of the child shall, in the fair known way, be responsible for their food and clothing. But none should be burdened with more than one can bear: neither the mother should be pressed unjustly (to accept unfair terms) just because she is the mother nor should the father be burdened just because he is the father. And the same responsibility for the maintenance of the mother devolves upon the father of the child and his heir. There is no harm if they wean the child by mutual consent and consultation. Moreover, there is no harm if you choose to give your children a suckle by a wet nurse, provided that you pay her fairly. Fear Allah and know it well that whatever you do is in the sight of Allah.

| 002.:233 [KSU] | Waalwalidatu | yurdiAAna | awladahunna | hawlayni | kamilayni | liman | arada | an | yutimma | alrradaAAata | waAAala | almawloodi | lahu | rizquhunna | wakiswatuhunna | bialmaAAroofi | la | tukallafu | nafsun | illa | wusAAaha | la | tudarra | walidatun | biwaladiha | wala | mawloodun | lahu | biwaladihi | waAAala | alwarithi | mithlu | thalika | fain | arada | fisalan | AAan | taradin | minhuma | watashawurin | fala | junaha | AAalayhima | wain | aradtum | an | tastardiAAoo | awladakum | fala | junaha | AAalaykum | itha | sallamtum | ma | ataytum | bialmaAAroofi | waittaqoo | Allaha | waiAAlamoo | anna | Allaha