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makanin [9]

Yunus | 10:22|
|It is Allah Who enables you to travel over land and by sea. So you set sails in ships, rejoicing over a fair breeze. Then all of a sudden a strong wind begins to rage against the passengers and billows begin to surge upon them from every side and they realize that they have been encircled by the tempest. At that time they pray to Allah with sincere faith, saying, "If You deliver us from this peril, we will become Your grateful servants."

| 10.:022 [KSU] | Huwa | allathee | yusayyirukum | fee | albarri | waalbahri | hatta | itha | kuntum | fee | alfulki | wajarayna | bihim | bireehin | tayyibatin | wafarihoo | biha | jaatha | reehun | AAasifun | wajaahumu | almawju | min | kulli | makanin | wathannoo | annahum | oheeta | bihim | daAAawoo | Allaha | mukhliseena | lahu | alddeena | lain | anjaytana | min | hathihi | lanakoonanna | mina | alshshakireena

Ibrahim | 14:17|
|which he shall try to gulp down, but will scarcely swallow it. Death shall surround him on all sides, yet he shall not die; and before him there shall be a grievous torment.

| 014.:017 [KSU] | YatajarraAAuhu | wala | yakadu | yuseeghuhu | wayateehi | almawtu | min | kulli | makanin | wama | huwa | bimayyitin | wamin | waraihi | AAathabun | ghaleethun

An-Nahal | 16:112|
|Allah cites the instance of a habitation: it was enjoying a life of peace and security and was receiving its provisions in abundance from every quarter. Hut when it began to show ingratitude towards the favors of Allah, He made its inhabitants taste the consequences of their doings, and inflicted misfortunes of hunger and fear on them.

| 016.:112 [KSU] | Wadaraba | Allahu | mathalan | qaryatan | kanat | aminatan | mutmainnatan | yateeha | rizquha | raghadan | min | kulli | makanin | fakafarat | bianAAumi | Allahi | faathaqaha | Allahu | libasa | aljooAAi | waalkhawfi | bima | kanoo | yasnaAAoona

Al-Hajj | 22:31|
|Become Allah's sincere servants, turning away from everything and without associating any partner with Him, for the one who associates a partner with Allah, becomes like him who has fallen from heaven. Then either the birds will snatch him away or the wind will blow him off to a place where he will be shattered into pieces.

| 022.:031 [KSU] | Hunafaa | lillahi | ghayra | mushrikeena | bihi | waman | yushrik | biAllahi | fakaannama | kharra | mina | alssamai | fatakhtafuhu | alttayru | aw | tahwee | bihi | alrreehu | fee | makanin | saheeqin

Al-Furqan | 25:12|
|When it will see them from afar, they will hear the sounds of its raging and roaring.

| 025.:012 [KSU] | Itha | raathum | min | makanin | baAAeedin | samiAAoo | laha | taghayyuthan | wazafeeran