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mani [316]

Al-Fatiha | 1:1|
|In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is only for Allah,2 the Lord of the Universe3

| 001.:001 [KSU] | bismi | Allahi | alrrahmani | alrraheemi | Alhamdu | lillaahi | rabbi | alAAalameena

Al-Baqarah | 2:78|
|-- Then there are among them some un-lettered people who have no knowledge of the Book but depend upon empty hopes and are guided by mere conjecture and guess-work.

| 002.:078 [KSU] | Waminhum | ommiyyoona | la | yaAAlamoona | alkitaba | illa | amaniyya | wain | hum | illa | yathunnoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:102|
|(Instead of this,) they began to follow that (magic) to which the devils falsely attributed (the greatness of) the kingdom of Solomon. In fact Solomon .was never involved in any practice of disbelief, but the satans, who taught magic to the people were themselves guilty of disbelief. They were after that thing which was sent to Harut and Marut, the two angels at Babylon. Whenever these two angels taught black art to anyone, they would always give a clear warning beforehand, saying, "We are merely a trial for you; so you should not commit blasphemy. But in spite of this warning, those people used to learn from the angels the art which caused division between husband and wife. Although it was obvious that they could not do any harm to anyone by means of this magic without Allahs permission, yet they learnt that art which could not be profitable even for them but was actually harmful. Moreo

| 002.:102 [KSU] | WaittabaAAoo | ma | tatloo | alshshayateenu | AAala | mulki | sulaymana | wama | kafara | sulaymanu | walakinna | alshshayateena | kafaroo | yuAAallimoona | alnnasa | alssihra | wama | onzila | AAala | almalakayni | bibabila | haroota | wamaroota | wama | yuAAallimani | min | ahadin | hatta | yaqoola | innama | nahnu | fitnatun | fala | takfur | fayataAAallamoona | minhuma | ma | yufarriqoona | bihi | bayna | almari | wazawjihi | wama | hum | bidarreena | bihi | min | ahadin | illa | biithni | Allahi | wayataAAallamoona | ma | yadurruhum | wala | yanfaAAuhum | walaqad | AAalimoo | lamani | ishtarahu | ma | lahu | fee

Al-Baqarah | 2:108|
| Would you then ask your Prophet such questions as were asked of Moses in former times? In fact, anyone, who changes the way of belief for that of disbelief, has surely swerved from the Right way.

| 002.:108 [KSU] | Am | tureedoona | an | tasaloo | rasoolakum | kama | suila | moosa | min | qablu | waman | yatabaddali | alkufra | bialeemani | faqad | dalla | sawaa | alssabeeli

Al-Baqarah | 2:109|
|Many of the people of the Book desire to turn you anyhow back to unbelief. They wish this out of the envy of their hearts though the Truth has become quite clear to them. Yet, you should show forbearance and forgiveness to them till Allah Himself enforces His judgement. (Rest assured that) Allah has full power over everything:

| 002.:109 [KSU] | Wadda | katheerun | min | ahli | alkitabi | law | yaruddoonakum | min | baAAdi | eemanikum | kuffaran | hasadan | min | AAindi | anfusihim | min | baAAdi | ma | tabayyana | lahumu | alhaqqu | faoAAfoo | waisfahoo | hatta | yatiya | Allahu | biamrihi | inna | Allaha | AAala | kulli | shayin | qadeerun