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mathala [21]

Al-Baqarah | 2:26|
| Well, Allah is not ashamed to cite the similitude of a gnat or of something even more insignificant than this. As for those who believe, they come to know from the same similitude that it is the Revelation from their Lord; but those who disbelieve, say, "What does Allah mean by such similitudes?" Allah leads astray many and guides many to the right way by the same thing. And He leads astray only those who disobey Allah;

| 002.:026 [KSU] | Inna | Allaha | la | yastahyee | an | yadriba | mathalan | ma | baAAoodatan | fama | fawqaha | faamma | allatheena | amanoo | fayaAAlamoona | annahu | alhaqqu | min | rabbihim | waamma | allatheena | kafaroo | fayaqooloona | matha | arada | Allahu | bihatha | mathalan | yudillu | bihi | katheeran | wayahdee | bihi | katheeran | wama | yudillu | bihi | illa | alfasiqeena

Al-Imran | 3:59|
|In the sight of Allah, the case of the birth of Jesus is like that of Adam, whom He created out of dust and said, "Be", and he was.

| 003.:059 [KSU] | Inna | mathala | AAeesa | AAinda | Allahi | kamathali | adama | khalaqahu | min | turabin | thumma | qala | lahu | kun | fayakoonu

Al-Aaraf | 7:177|
|You should go on relating these stories to them: it may be that they consider them seriously. Very bad is the example of those who treated Our Revelations as false and they have been doing wrong to their own selves.

| 007.:177 [KSU] | Saa | mathalan | alqawmu | allatheena | kaththaboo | biayatina | waanfusahum | kanoo | yathlimoona

Hud | 11:24|
|These two groups may be likened to two men, one of whom is blind and deaf, and the other can see and hear. Can they be alike and equal? Do you not learn a lesson( from this example)?

| 011.:024 [KSU] | Mathalu | alfareeqayni | kaalaAAma | waalasammi | waalbaseeri | waalssameeAAi | hal | yastawiyani | mathalan | afala | tathakkaroona

Ibrahim | 14:24|
|Do you not see to what Allah has likened the Pure Word? It is like a good tree which has got deep roots into the earth and whose branches have spread high up into heaven.

| 014.:024 [KSU] | Alam | tara | kayfa | daraba | Allahu | mathalan | kalimatan | tayyibatan | kashajaratin | tayyibatin | asluha | thabitun | wafarAAuha | fee | alssamai