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mawaddatan [2]

Al-Maidah | 5:82|
|You will find that the most hostile of all people in their enmity to the Believers are the Jews and the mushriks; and you will find that the nearest in friendliness to the Believers are those, who say, "We are Christians. " This Is because there are among them some pious scholars and monks and because they are free from pride.

| 005.:082 [KSU] | Latajidanna | ashadda | alnnasi | AAadawatan | lillatheena | amanoo | alyahooda | waallatheena | ashrakoo | walatajidanna | aqrabahum | mawaddatan | lillatheena | amanoo | allatheena | qaloo | inna | nasara | thalika | bianna | minhum | qisseeseena | waruhbanan | waannahum | la | yastakbiroona

Ar-Rum | 30:21|
|And of His Signs is this that He has created for you wives from your own species that you may find peace with them, and created love and mercy between you. Surely in this there are many Signs for those who reflect.

| 030.:021 [KSU] | Wamin | ayatihi | an | khalaqa | lakum | min | anfusikum | azwajan | litaskunoo | ilayha | wajaAAala | baynakum | mawaddatan | warahmatan | inna | fee | thalika | laayatin | liqawmin | yatafakkaroona