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Al-Baqarah | 2:130|
| Now, who else can have aversion to the way of Abraham but the one who has debased himself with folly and ignorance? Abraham was the man whom We chose for Our service in this world, and in the Next World he shall be among the righteous.

| 002.:130 [KSU] | Waman | yarghabu | AAan | millati | ibraheema | illa | man | safiha | nafsahu | walaqadi | istafaynahu | fee | alddunya | wainnahu | fee | alakhirati | lamina | alssaliheena

Al-Aaraf | 7:88|
|The chiefs of his tribe, who were puffed up with pride, said to him, "O Shu`aib, we will banish you and those who have believed with you from our city, or you shall have to return to our fold." Shu`aib replied,"What! Will you turn us back forcibly to it, even if we abhor it?

| 007.:088 [KSU] | Qala | almalao | allatheena | istakbaroo | min | qawmihi | lanukhrijannaka | ya | shuAAaybu | waallatheena | amanoo | maAAaka | min | qaryatina | aw | lataAAoodunna | fee | millatina | qala | awalaw | kunna | kariheena

Al-Aaraf | 7:89|
|We shall be guilty of attributing a lie to Allah, if we return to your creed, after Allah has delivered us from it; nor can we now return to your creed, except that Allah, our Lord, wills it;73 the knowledge of our Lord embraces everything; in Allah we put our trust, Our Lord, judge with truth between us and our people, and Thou art the best of judges."

| 007.:089 [KSU] | Qadi | iftarayna | AAala | Allahi | kathiban | in | AAudna | fee | millatikum | baAAda | ith | najjana | Allahu | minha | wama | yakoonu | lana | an | naAAooda | feeha | illa | an | yashaa | Allahu | rabbuna | wasiAAa | rabbuna | kulla | shayin | AAilman | AAala | Allahi | tawakkalna | rabbana | iftah | baynana | wabayna | qawmina | bialhaqqi | waanta | khayru | alfatiheena

Ibrahim | 14:13|
|At last the disbelievers said to their Messengers, "You shall either return to our religion or we will banish you from our land. " Then their Lord revealed to them, "We will destroy these evil-doers

| 014.:013 [KSU] | Waqala | allatheena | kafaroo | lirusulihim | lanukhrijannakum | min | ardina | aw | lataAAoodunna | fee | millatina | faawha | ilayhim | rabbuhum | lanuhlikanna | alththalimeena

Al-Kahaf | 18:20|
|for if they succeed in over-powering us, they will surely stone us to death or force us back into their Faith, and in that case we will never be able to obtain true success.”

| 018.:020 [KSU] | Innahum | in | yathharoo | AAalaykum | yarjumookum | aw | yuAAeedookum | fee | millatihim | walan | tuflihoo | ithan | abadan