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muminan [5]

An-Nisa | 4:92|
|It does not behoove a Believer to slay another Believer except by error, and if one slays a Believer by error, he must set free one believing slave as expiation and pay blood-money to the heirs of the slain person unless they charitably forego it. But if the murdered Muslim belonged to a people who are at enmity with you, then the expiation shall be the freeing of one believing slave; and if the slain person belonged to a non-Muslim ally of yours, then the blood-money must be paid to his heirs and a believing slave has to be set free. But if one could not afford a slave, then he must fast two consecutive months. This is the way enjoined by Allah for repentance; Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

| 004.:092 [KSU] | Wama | kana | limuminin | an | yaqtula | muminan | illa | khataan | waman | qatala | muminan | khataan | fatahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | wadiyatun | musallamatun | ila | ahlihi | illa | an | yassaddaqoo | fain | kana | min | qawmin | AAaduwwin | lakum | wahuwa | muminun | fatahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | wain | kana | min | qawmin | baynakum | wabaynahum | meethaqun | fadiyatun | musallamatun | ila | ahlihi | watahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | faman | lam | yajid | fasiyamu | shahrayni | mutatabiAAayni | tawbatan | mina | Allahi | wakana | Allahu | AAaleeman | hakeeman

An-Nisa | 4:93|
|As regards the one who kills a Believer willfully, his recompense is Hell, wherein he shall live for ever. He has incurred Allahs wrath and His curse is on him, and Allah has prepared a woeful torment for him.

| 004.:093 [KSU] | Waman | yaqtul | muminan | mutaAAammidan | fajazaohu | jahannamu | khalidan | feeha | waghadiba | Allahu | AAalayhi | walaAAanahu | waaAAadda | lahu | AAathaban | AAatheeman

An-Nisa | 4:94|
|O Believers, when you go to Jihad in the way of Allah, discern between friend and foe; and if one greets you with a salutation of peace, do not say to him abruptly, "You are not a believer." If you seek worldly gain by this, Allah has abundant spoils for you. (Remember that) you yourselves were before this in the same condition; then Allah showed His grace on you; therefore you should discern well, for Allah is fully aware of what you do.

| 004.:094 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | itha | darabtum | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | fatabayyanoo | wala | taqooloo | liman | alqa | ilaykumu | alssalama | lasta | muminan | tabtaghoona | AAarada | alhayati | alddunya | faAAinda | Allahi | maghanimu | katheeratun | kathalika | kuntum | min | qablu | famanna | Allahu | AAalaykum | fatabayyanoo | inna | Allaha | kana | bima | taAAmaloona | khabeeran

Ta-Ha | 20:75|
|As for the one, who comes before Him as a Believer, who has done good deeds, all such people will have the highest ranks for them. T

| 020.:075 [KSU] | Waman | yatihi | muminan | qad | AAamila | alssalihati | faolaika | lahumu | alddarajatu | alAAula

As-Sajdah | 32:18|
|Can he who is a believer be like him who is a sinner? They cannot be alike.

| 032.:018 [KSU] | Afaman | kana | muminan | kaman | kana | fasiqan | la | yastawoona