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nathartu [2]

Al-Baqarah | 2:270|
|Surely Allah knows whatever you may have spent and whatever vow you may have made, and the wrong-doers (who spend in the way of Satan) shall have no helpers.

| 002.:270 [KSU] | Wama | anfaqtum | min | nafaqatin | aw | nathartum | min | nathrin | fainna | Allaha | yaAAlamuhu | wama | lilththalimeena | min | ansarin

Al-Imran | 3:35|
|(He was hearing,) when the woman of `Imran was saying,. "My Lord, 1 vow to Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: so accept this offering of mine for Thou hearest and knowest everything."

| 003.:035 [KSU] | Ith | qalati | imraatu | AAimrana | rabbi | innee | nathartu | laka | ma | fee | batnee | muharraran | fataqabbal | minnee | innaka | anta | alssameeAAu | alAAaleemu

Maryam | 19:26|
|so eat and drink and refresh your eyes; and if you see a man, say to him, `As I have vowed to observe the fast (of silence) for the sake of the Merciful, I will not speak to anyone today.”

| 019.:026 [KSU] | Fakulee | waishrabee | waqarree | AAaynan | faimma | tarayinna | mina | albashari | ahadan | faqoolee | innee | nathartu | lilrrahmani | sawman | falan | okallima | alyawma | insiyyan