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nuthiqhu [2]

Al-Hajj | 22:25|
|Those who disbelieved, and are (now) debarring others from the Way of Allah and from visiting that Sacred Mosque, which We have assigned to all mankind with equal rights for its dwellers and the outsiders, (surely deserve punishment); whosoever shall deviate from righteousness, and adopt in this (Sacred Mosque) the way of iniquity, We will make him taste a painful chastisement.

| 022.:025 [KSU] | Inna | allatheena | kafaroo | wayasuddoona | AAan | sabeeli | Allahi | waalmasjidi | alharami | allathee | jaAAalnahu | lilnnasi | sawaan | alAAakifu | feehi | waalbadi | waman | yurid | feehi | biilhadin | bithulmin | nuthiqhu | min | AAathabin | aleemin

Al-Furqan | 25:19|
|Thus will your gods deny all that you are professing today. Then you shall neither be able to repel your punishment nor shall get any help from anywhere; and whoso is guilty. of iniquity among you, We shall make him taste a severe torment.

| 025.:019 [KSU] | Faqad | kaththabookum | bima | taqooloona | fama | tastateeAAoona | sarfan | wala | nasran | waman | yathlim | minkum | nuthiqhu | AAathaban | kabeeran

As-Saba | 34:12|
|And for Solomon We subjected the wind which covered a month's journey in the morning and a month's journey in the evening and We made a fountain of molten copper to flow for him and subdued such jinns to him who served before him by the command of his Lord. Whoever from among them swerved from Our Command, We made him taste the brazing Fire.

| 034.:012 [KSU] | Walisulaymana | alrreeha | ghuduwwuha | shahrun | warawahuha | shahrun | waasalna | lahu | AAayna | alqitri | wamina | aljinni | man | yaAAmalu | bayna | yadayhi | biithni | rabbihi | waman | yazigh | minhum | AAan | amrina | nuthiqhu | min | AAathabi | alssaAAeeri