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nuwruhum [2]

Al-Hadid | 57:12|
|That Day when you see the believing men and women, with their light running on before them and on their right hand, (it will be said to them:) "There is good news for you today!" There will be Gardens underneath which rivers will be flowing, in which they shall live for ever, This is the supreme success.

| 057.:012 [KSU] | yaw.ma | taraY | (a)l.muwe.miniyna | wa(a)lmuwe.minaEti | yas.`aYE | nuwruhum. | bay.na | _ay.diyhim. | wabi_ay.maEnihim. | bush.raYEkumu | (a)l.yaw.ma | jannaEt(un) | taj.riy | min. | taH.tihaA | (a)l._an.haEru | khaElidiyna | fiyhaA | [j] | dhaElika | huwa | (a)l.fawzu | (a)l.`aZiymu

Al-Hadid | 57:19|
|And those who have believed in Allah and His Messengers, are indeed the most truthful and the true witnesses in the sight of their Lord. For them is their reward and their light. As for those who have disbelieved and denied Our Revelations, they are the dwellers of Hell.

| 057.:019 [KSU] | wa(a)lladhiyna | ?aAmanuwA[0] | biAllahi | warusulihI | _uw.laYE~Y_eika | humu | (a)lSSiddiyquwna | [sly] | wa(a)lshshuhadaA~?u | AAin.da | rabbihim. | lahum. | _aj.ruhum. | wa(a)lnuwruhum. | [sly] | wa(a)lladhiyna | kafaruwA[0] | wakadhdhabuwA[0] | bi_aAyaEtinaA~ | _uw.laYEY_eika | _aS.HaEbu | (a)l.jaHiymi

At-Tahrem | 66:8|
|O you who have believed, turn to Allah in sincere repentance. (It may well be that) Allah will remove your evils from you and admit you into Gardens underneath which rivers will be flowing. It will be a Day when Allah will not humiliate His Prophet and those who have believed with him. Their light shall be running on before them and on their right hands, and they will be saying, "O our Lord, perfect our light for us and forgive us: You have power over all."

| 066.:008 [KSU] | yaA~ | _ayyuhaA | (a)lladhiyna | _amanuw~A[0] | tuwbuwA[0] | _ilaY | Allahi | taw.ba(t)(an) | naSuwH(an)A | AAasaYE | rabbukum. | _an. | yukaffira | AAan.kum. | sayyi_atikum. | wayud.khilakum. | jannaEt(in) | taj.riy | min. | taH.tihaA | (a)l._an.HaEru | yaw.ma | laA | yukh.zee | Allahu | (a)lnnabiyya | wa(a)lladhiyna | ?aEmanuwA[0] | maAAahU[sly] | nuwruhum. | yas.AAaYE | bay.na | _ay.diyhim. | wabi_aymaEnihim. | yaquwluwna | rabbanaA~ | _at.mim. | lanaA | nuwrana | wa(a)gh.fir. | lanaA~[sly] | _innaka | AAalaYE | kulli | shay.?(in) | qadiyr(un)