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qadiyr(un) [4]

Al-Ahqaf | 46:33|
|Do they not see that God Who created the heavens and the earth and was not wearied by their creation, has surely the power to raise the dead to life! Why not! Surely He has power over everything.

| 046.:033 [KSU] | _awalam. | yaraw. | _anna | Allaha | (a)lladhiy | khalaqa | (a)lssamaEwaEti | wa(a)l._ar.Di | walam. | yaAA.ya | bikhal.qihinna | biqaEdir(in) | AAalaYE~ | _an. | yuH.yIya | (a)l.maw.taYE | [j] | balaYE~ | _innahU | AAalaYE | kulli | shay.?(in) | qadiyr(un)

Al-Hashr | 59:6|
|And the properties that Allah took out from their possession and restored to His Messenger, are not such that you might have rushed your horses and camels upon them, but Allah gives His Messengers authority over whomever He wills, and Allah has power over everything.

| 059.:006 [KSU] | wamaA~ | _afaA~?a | Allahu | `alaYE | rasuwlihI | min.hum. | famaA~ | _aw.jaf.tum. | `alay.hi | min. | khay.l(in) | walaA | rikaAb(in) | walaEkinna | Allaha | yusalliTu | rusulahU | `alaYE | man. | yashaA~?u | [j] | waAllahu | `alaYE | kulli | shay.?(in) | qadiyr(un)

Al-Mumtahinah | 60:7|
|It may well be that Allah will place love between you and those whose enmity you have now earned. Allah is All-Powerful, and He is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful.

| 060.:007 [KSU] | `asaY | Allahu | _an. | yaj.`ala | bay.nakum. | wabay.na | (a)lladhiyna | `aAday.tum. | min.hum. | mawadda(t)(an) | [j] | waAllahu | qadiyr(un) | [j] | waAllahu | ghafuwr(un) | rraHiym(un) | [hizb]

At-Talaq | 65:12|
|Allah is He Who created seven heavens and of the earth also their like. His Command descends among them. (This you are being told) so that you may know that Allah has power over everything, and that Allah' knowledge encompasses all.

| 065.:012 [KSU] | Allahu | (a)lladhiy | khalaqa | sab.`a | samaEwaEt(in) | wamina | (a)l._ar.Di | mith.lahunna | yatanazzalu | (a)l._am.ru | bay.nahunna | lita`.lamuw~A[0] | _anna | Allaha | `alaYE | kulli | shay.?(in) | qadiyr(un) | wa_anna | Allaha | qad. | _aHaATa | bikulli | shay?(in) | `il.m(an)A[m]

At-Tahrem | 66:8|
|O you who have believed, turn to Allah in sincere repentance. (It may well be that) Allah will remove your evils from you and admit you into Gardens underneath which rivers will be flowing. It will be a Day when Allah will not humiliate His Prophet and those who have believed with him. Their light shall be running on before them and on their right hands, and they will be saying, "O our Lord, perfect our light for us and forgive us: You have power over all."

| 066.:008 [KSU] | yaA~ | _ayyuhaA | (a)lladhiyna | _amanuw~A[0] | tuwbuwA[0] | _ilaY | Allahi | taw.ba(t)(an) | naSuwH(an)A | AAasaYE | rabbukum. | _an. | yukaffira | AAan.kum. | sayyi_atikum. | wayud.khilakum. | jannaEt(in) | taj.riy | min. | taH.tihaA | (a)l._an.HaEru | yaw.ma | laA | yukh.zee | Allahu | (a)lnnabiyya | wa(a)lladhiyna | ?aEmanuwA[0] | maAAahU[sly] | nuwruhum. | yas.AAaYE | bay.na | _ay.diyhim. | wabi_aymaEnihim. | yaquwluwna | rabbanaA~ | _at.mim. | lanaA | nuwrana | wa(a)gh.fir. | lanaA~[sly] | _innaka | AAalaYE | kulli | shay.?(in) | qadiyr(un)