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qadrihi [2]

Al-Anaam | 6:91|
|Those people formed quite a wrong estimate of Allah, when they said, "Allah has not sent down anything to any man." Ask them: "Then who sent down the Book, which Moses brought: which was Light and Guidance for mankind: which you have divided into fragments, a part of which you show to the people and most of it you hide from them: by which you were given that knowledge which neither you nor your forefathers possessed?" Just say, "Allah", and then leave them alone to play with their useless arguments.

| 006.:091 [KSU] | Wama | qadaroo | Allaha | haqqa | qadrihi | ith | qaloo | ma | anzala | Allahu | AAala | basharin | min | shayin | qul | man | anzala | alkitaba | allathee | jaa | bihi | moosa | nooran | wahudan | lilnnasi | tajAAaloonahu | qarateesa | tubdoonaha | watukhfoona | katheeran | waAAullimtum | ma | lam | taAAlamoo | antum | wala | abaokum | quli | Allahu | thumma | tharhum | fee | khawdihim | yalAAaboona

Al-Hajj | 22:74|
|They do not recognize the true worth of Allah' as they should: the fact is that Allah alone is All-Mighty, All-Powerful.

| 022.:074 [KSU] | Ma | qadaroo | Allaha | haqqa | qadrihi | inna | Allaha | laqawiyyun | AAazeezun

Az-Zumar | 39:67|
|These people have not recognized the true worth of Allah as His worth should truly be recognized. (As for His Omnipotence) the entire earth on the Day of Resurrection shall be in His grasp and the heavens shall be rolled up in His right hand. Glorified is He and Exalted above what they associate with Him.

| 039.:067 [KSU] | Wama | qadaroo | Allaha | haqqa | qadrihi | waalardu | jameeAAan | qabdatuhu | yawma | alqiyamati | waalssamawatu | matwiyyatun | biyameenihi | subhanahu | wataAAala | AAamma | yushrikoona