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qalbi [13]

Al-Baqarah | 2:97|
| Say to them, "Whoever is enemy to Gabriel, should understand that he has, by Allahs command, revealed to your heart the Quran which confirms what was revealed before it, and brings Guidance and glad tidings to the Believers.

| 002.:097 [KSU] | Qul | man | kana | AAaduwwan | lijibreela | fainnahu | nazzalahu | AAala | qalbika | biithni | Allahi | musaddiqan | lima | bayna | yadayhi | wahudan | wabushra | lilmumineena

Al-Baqarah | 2:204|
|There is a certain type of man who charms you in this worldly life with his glib talk. He calls Allah to witness again and again that he cherishes good intentions in his heart, whereas, in fact, he is the deadliest opponent of the Truth.

| 002.:204 [KSU] | Wamina | alnnasi | man | yuAAjibuka | qawluhu | fee | alhayati | alddunya | wayushhidu | Allaha | AAala | ma | fee | qalbihi | wahuwa | aladdu | alkhisami

Al-Baqarah | 2:260|
|Call to mind the other event also, when Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how Thou bringest the dead back to life?" He said "Have you no faith in this?" Abraham humbly replied, "I do believe but I ask this to reassure my heart." Allah said, "Well, take four birds and tame them with yourself and then (cut them into pieces) and place a piece of each of them on each hill. Then call them and they will come running to you; know this for certain that Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise."

| 002.:260 [KSU] | Waith | qala | ibraheemu | rabbi | arinee | kayfa | tuhyee | almawta | qala | awalam | tumin | qala | bala | walakin | liyatmainna | qalbee | qala | fakhuth | arbaAAatan | mina | alttayri | fasurhunna | ilayka | thumma | ijAAal | AAala | kulli | jabalin | minhunna | juzan | thumma | odAAuhunna | yateenaka | saAAyan | waiAAlam | anna | Allaha | AAazeezun | hakeemun

Al-Imran | 3:159|
|(O Messenger,) it is a great mercy of Allah that you are very gentle and lenient towards them: for, had you been harsh and hard hearted, they all would have broken away from you: so pardon them and implore Allah to forgive them, and take counsel with them in the conduct of the affairs; then, when once you make up your mind (to do a thing), trust in Allah (and do it).

| 003.:159 [KSU] | Fabima | rahmatin | mina | Allahi | linta | lahum | walaw | kunta | faththan | ghaleetha | alqalbi | lainfaddoo | min | hawlika | faoAAfu | AAanhum | waistaghfir | lahum | washawirhum | fee | alamri | faitha | AAazamta | fatawakkal | AAala | Allahi | inna | Allaha | yuhibbu | almutawakkileena

Al-Anfal | 8:24|
|O Believers, respond to the call of Allah and the Messenger, when the Messenger calls you to that which gives you life. And know that Allah stands between a man and his heart, and that to Him you shall be mustered.

| 008.:024 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | istajeeboo | lillahi | walilrrasooli | itha | daAAakum | lima | yuhyeekum | waiAAlamoo | anna | Allaha | yahoolu | bayna | almari | waqalbihi | waannahu | ilayhi | tuhsharoona