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qultu [11]

Al-Baqarah | 2:55|
| Remember when you said, "O Moses, we are not going to believe you until we see with our own eyes Allah (talking to you)". At that very time a thunderbolt struck you while you were looking on and you fell lifeless.

| 002.:055 [KSU] | Waith | qultum | ya | moosa | lan | numina | laka | hatta | nara | Allaha | jahratan | faakhathatkumu | alssaAAiqatu | waantum | tanthuroona

Al-Baqarah | 2:61|
| Remember: You grumbled: "O Moses, we cannot endure one and the same sort of food. Pray your Lord to bring for us the products of the earth green herbs, vegetables, corn, garlic, onions, pulses and the like." Moses replied: "What! would you exchange that which is meaner for that which is nobler? Well, go and live in a town and you will get there what you demand." By and by, they became so degraded that disgrace and humiliation, misery and wretchedness were stamped upon them and they incurred Allahs wrath. That was because they began to reject the Revelations of Allah78 and kill His Messengers without any just cause; that was the consequence of their disobedience and their persistent transgression against the Law.

| 002.:061 [KSU] | Waith | qultum | ya | moosa | lan | nasbira | AAala | taAAamin | wahidin | faodAAu | lana | rabbaka | yukhrij | lana | mimma | tunbitu | alardu | min | baqliha | waqiththaiha | wafoomiha | waAAadasiha | wabasaliha | qala | atastabdiloona | allathee | huwa | adna | biallathee | huwa | khayrun | ihbitoo | misran | fainna | lakum | ma | saaltum | waduribat | AAalayhimu | alththillatu | waalmaskanatu | wabaoo | bighadabin | mina | Allahi | thalika | biannahum | kanoo | yakfuroona | biayati | Allahi | wayaqtuloona | alnnabiyyeena | bighayri | alhaqqi | thalika | bima | AAasaw | wakanoo | yaAAtadoona

Al-Imran | 3:165|
|And how is it that, when a disaster befell you, you exclaimed, "Whence is this? You yourselves had (in the battle of Badr) inflicted twice as great a disaster (on your enemy). O Prophet, say to them, "You yourselves have brought about this disaster upon yourselves." Allah has, indeed, power over everything.

| 003.:165 [KSU] | Awalamma | asabatkum | museebatun | qad | asabtum | mithlayha | qultum | anna | hatha | qul | huwa | min | AAindi | anfusikum | inna | Allaha | AAala | kulli | shayin | qadeerun

Al-Imran | 3:183|
|There are those who say "Allah has enjoined us that we should not accept anyone as a Messenger unless he offers, in our presence, a sacrifice which fire from heaven should devour." Say to them, "Many Messengers came to you before me with clear Signs, and they brought also the Sign you speak of: if you are sincere (in your demand), why did you kill those Messengers?"

| 003.:183 [KSU] | Allatheena | qaloo | inna | Allaha | AAahida | ilayna | alla | numina | lirasoolin | hatta | yatiyana | biqurbanin | takuluhu | alnnaru | qul | qad | jaakum | rusulun | min | qablee | bialbayyinati | wabiallathee | qultum | falima | qataltumoohum | in | kutum | sadiqeena

Al-Maidah | 5:7|
|Keep in mind the blessing Allah has bestowed upon you and do not forget the solemn covenant which He made with you (and which you confirmed), when you said, "We have heard and submitted," Fear Allah for Allah knows the very secrets of the hearts.

| 005.:007 [KSU] | Waothkuroo | niAAmata | Allahi | AAalaykum | wameethaqahu | allathee | wathaqakum | bihi | ith | qultum | samiAAna | waataAAna | waittaqoo | Allaha | inna | Allaha | AAaleemun | bithati | alssudoori