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quluwbikum [8]

Al-Imran | 3:103|
|Hold fast together to Allahs cord and Iet nothing divide you. Remember the favour of Allah upon you, when you were enemies to one another, then He united your hearts, and by His grace, you became like brothers, and you were on the brink of the abyss of Fire and He rescued you from it. Thus does Allah make His signs clear to you so that you may find the right path to true success by these.

| 003.:103 [KSU] | WaiAAtasimoo | bihabli | Allahi | jameeAAan | wala | tafarraqoo | waothkuroo | niAAmata | Allahi | AAalaykum | ith | kuntum | aAAdaan | faallafa | bayna | quloobikum | faasbahtum | biniAAmatihi | ikhwanan | wakuntum | AAala | shafa | hufratin | mina | alnnari | faanqathakum | minha | kathalika | yubayyinu | Allahu | lakum | ayatihi | laAAallakum | tahtadoona

Al-Anaam | 6:46|
|O Muhammad, ask them, "Have you ever considered this: If Allah were to take away your hearing and your sight and set a seal upon your hearts, is there a deity other than Allah to restore them to you?" Behold! how We present Our Signs before them over and over again, and how they turn away from them in disdain.

| 006.:046 [KSU] | Qul | araaytum | in | akhatha | Allahu | samAAakum | waabsarakum | wakhatama | AAala | quloobikum | man | ilahun | ghayru | Allahi | yateekum | bihi | onthur | kayfa | nusarrifu | alayati | thumma | hum | yasdifoona

Al-Anfal | 8:11|
|And remember the time when Allah was giving you peace and security from Himself in the form of drowsiness, and was sending down on you water from heaven in order to cleanse you and to remove from you the defilement caused by Satan, and to strengthen your hearts and to steady your footsteps.

| 008.:011 [KSU] | Ith | yughashsheekumu | alnnuAAasa | amanatan | minhu | wayunazzilu | AAalaykum | mina | alssamai | maan | liyutahhirakum | bihi | wayuthhiba | AAankum | rijza | alshshaytani | waliyarbita | AAala | quloobikum | wayuthabbita | bihi | alaqdama

Al-Anfal | 8:70|
|O Prophet, tell the captives in your custody, "If Allah finds any good in your hearts, He will give you that which is far more and far better than what has been taken from you, and will forgive your sins: He is Forgiving and Compassionate".

| 008.:070 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | alnnabiyyu | qul | liman | fee | aydeekum | mina | alasra | in | yaAAlami | Allahu | fee | quloobikum | khayran | yutikum | khayran | mimma | okhitha | minkum | wayaghfir | lakum | waAllahu | ghafoorun | raheemun

Al-Ahzab | 33:51|
|You are granted the option that you may keep aside any of your wives you please, and keep to yourself any of them you please, and call back any of them you had set aside: there is no blame on you in this regard. Thus, it is expected that their eyes will be cooled and they will not grieve, and they will all remain well satisfied with whatever you give them. Allah knows whatever is in your hearts, and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Forbearing.

| 033.:051 [KSU] | Turjee | man | tashao | minhunna | watuwee | ilayka | man | tashao | wamani | ibtaghayta | mimman | AAazalta | fala | junaha | AAalayka | thalika | adna | an | taqarra | aAAyunuhunna | wala | yahzanna | wayardayna | bima | ataytahunna | kulluhunna | waAllahu | yaAAlamu | ma | fee | quloobikum | wakana | Allahu | AAaleeman | haleeman