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rabbuhum [12]

Al-Imran | 3:195|
|Their Lord answered their prayer, saying, "I do not let go to waste the labour of any worker from among you whether male or female, for all of you (human beings) are the offspring of one another. I will, therefore, forgive all the shortcomings of those who left their homes or were expelled from them for My sake or were persecuted, and of those who fought for My cause and were slain, and admit them to the Gardens underneath which canals flow." This is their reward from Allah and with Allah alone is the richest reward.

| 003.:195 [KSU] | Faistajaba | lahum | rabbuhum | annee | la | odeeAAu | AAamala | AAamilin | minkum | min | thakarin | aw | ontha | baAAdukum | min | baAAdin | faallatheena | hajaroo | waokhrijoo | min | diyarihim | waoothoo | fee | sabeelee | waqataloo | waqutiloo | laokaffiranna | AAanhum | sayyiatihim | walaodkhilannahum | jannatin | tajree | min | tahtiha | alanharu | thawaban | min | AAindi | Allahi | waAllahu | AAindahu | husnu | alththawabi

Al-Aaraf | 7:22|
|Thus he beguiled them and gradually molded them to his design. So, when they tasted (the fruit of the tree, their shameful parts became visible to each other and they began to cover themselves with the leaves of the Garden. Then their Lord called out to them, saying, "Did I not forbid you to go near this tree, and warn you that Satan was your open enemy?"

| 007.:022 [KSU] | Fadallahuma | bighuroorin | falamma | thaqa | alshshajarata | badat | lahuma | sawatuhuma | watafiqa | yakhsifani | AAalayhima | min | waraqi | aljannati | wanadahuma | rabbuhuma | alam | anhakuma | AAan | tilkuma | alshshajarati | waaqul | lakuma | inna | alshshaytana | lakuma | AAaduwwun | mubeenun

At-Tauba | 9:21|
|Their Lord gives them the good news of His mercy and His pleasure and of the Gardens, wherein is everlasting bliss for them:

| 009.:021 [KSU] | Yubashshiruhum | rabbuhum | birahmatin | minhu | waridwanin | wajannatin | lahum | feeha | naAAeemun | muqeemun

Yunus | 10:9|
|And it is also a fact that, because of their faith, Allah will guide aright those who believe (sincerely in the Truths that have been presented in this Book) and do righteous deeds; and canals will be flowing underneath there in the Gardens of bliss.

| 10.:009 [KSU] | Inna | allatheena | amanoo | waAAamiloo | alssalihati | yahdeehim | rabbuhum | bieemanihim | tajree | min | tahtihimu | alanharu | fee | jannati | alnnaAAeemi

Ibrahim | 14:13|
|At last the disbelievers said to their Messengers, "You shall either return to our religion or we will banish you from our land. " Then their Lord revealed to them, "We will destroy these evil-doers

| 014.:013 [KSU] | Waqala | allatheena | kafaroo | lirusulihim | lanukhrijannakum | min | ardina | aw | lataAAoodunna | fee | millatina | faawha | ilayhim | rabbuhum | lanuhlikanna | alththalimeena