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raqabatin [3]

An-Nisa | 4:92|
|It does not behoove a Believer to slay another Believer except by error, and if one slays a Believer by error, he must set free one believing slave as expiation and pay blood-money to the heirs of the slain person unless they charitably forego it. But if the murdered Muslim belonged to a people who are at enmity with you, then the expiation shall be the freeing of one believing slave; and if the slain person belonged to a non-Muslim ally of yours, then the blood-money must be paid to his heirs and a believing slave has to be set free. But if one could not afford a slave, then he must fast two consecutive months. This is the way enjoined by Allah for repentance; Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

| 004.:092 [KSU] | Wama | kana | limuminin | an | yaqtula | muminan | illa | khataan | waman | qatala | muminan | khataan | fatahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | wadiyatun | musallamatun | ila | ahlihi | illa | an | yassaddaqoo | fain | kana | min | qawmin | AAaduwwin | lakum | wahuwa | muminun | fatahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | wain | kana | min | qawmin | baynakum | wabaynahum | meethaqun | fadiyatun | musallamatun | ila | ahlihi | watahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | faman | lam | yajid | fasiyamu | shahrayni | mutatabiAAayni | tawbatan | mina | Allahi | wakana | Allahu | AAaleeman | hakeeman

Al-Maidah | 5:89|
|Allah does not take you to task for the inadvertent oaths you swear, but He will surely call you to account for the intentional and deliberate oaths you make. The expiation (of breaking such an oath) is to feed ten indigent persons with the normal food you serve in your own family, or to give them clothes, or to free one slave, and the one who cannot afford any of these let him fast three days. This is the expiation of breaking the solemn oaths you have taken; be mindful of your oaths. Thus Allah makes His Commandments plain to you so that you may show gratitude.

| 005.:089 [KSU] | La | yuakhithukumu | Allahu | biallaghwi | fee | aymanikum | walakin | yuakhithukum | bima | AAaqqadtumu | alaymana | fakaffaratuhu | itAAamu | AAasharati | masakeena | min | awsati | ma | tutAAimoona | ahleekum | aw | kiswatuhum | aw | tahreeru | raqabatin | faman | lam | yajid | fasiyamu | thalathati | ayyamin | thalika | kaffaratu | aymanikum | itha | halaftum | waihfathoo | aymanakum | kathalika | yubayyinu | Allahu | lakum | ayatihi | laAAallakum | tashkuroona