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sittati [6]

Al-Aaraf | 7:54|
|In fact, your Lord is Allah alone, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then sat upon the Throne of His Kingdom; Who makes the night cover the day and then the day follows the night swiftly; Who created the sun, the moon and the stars, all of which are under His Command. Note it well: His is the creation and His the Sovereignty. Full of blessings is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

| 007.:054 [KSU] | Inna | rabbakumu | Allahu | allathee | khalaqa | alssamawati | waalarda | fee | sittati | ayyamin | thumma | istawa | AAala | alAAarshi | yughshee | allayla | alnnahara | yatlubuhu | hatheethan | waalshshamsa | waalqamara | waalnnujooma | musakhkharatin | biamrihi | ala | lahu | alkhalqu | waalamru | tabaraka | Allahu | rabbu | alAAalameena

Yunus | 10:3|
|The fact is that your Lord is the same Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then sat Himself upon the Throne of His Kingdom, and is directing the affairs of the universe. None can intercede with Him except after His permissions That is Allah, your Lord: so worship Him. Will you not then understand?

| 10.:003 [KSU] | Inna | rabbakumu | Allahu | allathee | khalaqa | alssamawati | waalarda | fee | sittati | ayyamin | thumma | istawa | AAala | alAAarshi | yudabbiru | alamra | ma | min | shafeeAAin | illa | min | baAAdi | ithnihi | thalikumu | Allahu | rabbukum | faoAAbudoohu | afala | tathakkaroona

Hud | 11:7|
|And it is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six days-whereas before this His Throne rested upon water so that He may test which of you does the best deeds. Now O Muhammad, if you tell them "You will, O people, be raised again after death," those who disbelieve promptly exclaim, "This is plain sorcery!"

| 011.:007 [KSU] | Wahuwa | allathee | khalaqa | alssamawati | waalarda | fee | sittati | ayyamin | wakana | AAarshuhu | AAala | almai | liyabluwakum | ayyukum | ahsanu | AAamalan | walain | qulta | innakum | mabAAoothoona | min | baAAdi | almawti | layaqoolanna | allatheena | kafaroo | in | hatha | illa | sihrun | mubeenun

Al-Furqan | 25:59|
|In six days He created the earth and the heavens and all that is between them; then He established Himself on the "Throne" (of the Kingdom of the universe). (He is) the Merciful: as to His Glory, ask the one who knows.

| 025.:059 [KSU] | Allathee | khalaqa | alssamawati | waalarda | wama | baynahuma | fee | sittati | ayyamin | thumma | istawa | AAala | alAAarshi | alrrahmanu | faisal | bihi | khabeeran

As-Sajdah | 32:4|
|Allah it is Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and then sat Himself upon the throne. You have no supporter and helper besides Him nor any intercessor before Hun. Will, you not then take heed?

| 032.:004 [KSU] | Allahu | allathee | khalaqa | alssamawati | waalarda | wama | baynahuma | fee | sittati | ayyamin | thumma | istawa | AAala | alAAarshi | ma | lakum | min | doonihi | min | waliyyin | wala | shafeeAAin | afala | tatathakkaroona