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taraY [11]

Al-Aaraf | 7:89|
|We shall be guilty of attributing a lie to Allah, if we return to your creed, after Allah has delivered us from it; nor can we now return to your creed, except that Allah, our Lord, wills it;73 the knowledge of our Lord embraces everything; in Allah we put our trust, Our Lord, judge with truth between us and our people, and Thou art the best of judges."

| 007.:089 [KSU] | Qadi | iftarayna | AAala | Allahi | kathiban | in | AAudna | fee | millatikum | baAAda | ith | najjana | Allahu | minha | wama | yakoonu | lana | an | naAAooda | feeha | illa | an | yashaa | Allahu | rabbuna | wasiAAa | rabbuna | kulla | shayin | AAilman | AAala | Allahi | tawakkalna | rabbana | iftah | baynana | wabayna | qawmina | bialhaqqi | waanta | khayru | alfatiheena

Hud | 11:13|
|Do they say, "He has invented the Book himself?" Say to them "Very well, if it is so, bing ten fabricated Surahs like this:

| 011.:013 [KSU] | Am | yaqooloona | iftarahu | qul | fatoo | biAAashri | suwarin | mithlihi | muftarayatin | waodAAoo | mani | istataAAtum | min | dooni | Allahi | in | kuntum | sadiqeena

Hud | 11:35|
|O Muhammad! do they say, "He himself has forged all this?" Say to them, "If I have forged this myself, I shall bear all its consequences, and I am clear of the crime you are committing."

| 011.:035 [KSU] | Am | yaqooloona | iftarahu | qul | ini | iftaraytuhu | faAAalayya | ijramee | waana | bareeon | mimma | tujrimoona

Maryam | 19:26|
|so eat and drink and refresh your eyes; and if you see a man, say to him, `As I have vowed to observe the fast (of silence) for the sake of the Merciful, I will not speak to anyone today.”

| 019.:026 [KSU] | Fakulee | waishrabee | waqarree | AAaynan | faimma | tarayinna | mina | albashari | ahadan | faqoolee | innee | nathartu | lilrrahmani | sawman | falan | okallima | alyawma | insiyyan

Al-Ahqaf | 46:8|
|Do they mean to say that the Messenger himself has fabricated it? Say to them, "If I have fabricated it myself, you will not be able to do anything to save me from Allah's punishment. Allah knows full well whatever you utter. He is enough as a witness between me and you, and He is the All-Forgiving. the All-Merciful."

| 046.:008 [KSU] | _am. | yaquwluwna | (a)f.taraYEhu | [sly] | qul. | _ini | (a)f.taray.tuhU | falaA | tam.likuwna | liy | mina | Allahi | shay.Ye(an)A | [sly] | huwa | _aAA.lamu | bimaA | tufiyDuwna | fiyhi | [sly] | kafaYE | bihI | shahiyd(an)A | [m] | bay.niy | wabay.nakum. | [sly] | wahuwa | (a)l.ghafuwru | (a)lrraHiymu