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taraYE [5]

Maryam | 19:26|
|so eat and drink and refresh your eyes; and if you see a man, say to him, `As I have vowed to observe the fast (of silence) for the sake of the Merciful, I will not speak to anyone today.”

| 019.:026 [KSU] | Fakulee | waishrabee | waqarree | AAaynan | faimma | tarayinna | mina | albashari | ahadan | faqoolee | innee | nathartu | lilrrahmani | sawman | falan | okallima | alyawma | insiyyan

Al-Ahqaf | 46:8|
|Do they mean to say that the Messenger himself has fabricated it? Say to them, "If I have fabricated it myself, you will not be able to do anything to save me from Allah's punishment. Allah knows full well whatever you utter. He is enough as a witness between me and you, and He is the All-Forgiving. the All-Merciful."

| 046.:008 [KSU] | _am. | yaquwluwna | (a)f.taraYEhu | [sly] | qul. | _ini | (a)f.taray.tuhU | falaA | tam.likuwna | liy | mina | Allahi | shay.Ye(an)A | [sly] | huwa | _aAA.lamu | bimaA | tufiyDuwna | fiyhi | [sly] | kafaYE | bihI | shahiyd(an)A | [m] | bay.niy | wabay.nakum. | [sly] | wahuwa | (a)l.ghafuwru | (a)lrraHiymu

Al-Fath | 48:29|
|Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are hard on the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. When you see them you will find them bowing down and falling prostrate and craving for Allah"s bounty and His good-will. They have the marks of prostrations on their faces by which they are distinguished from others. This is their description in the Torah, and in the Gospel they have been likened to a crop which put out its shoot, then strengthened it, then swelled and then stood on its own stem, filling the sowers with delight and the disbelievers with jealousy of them. Allah has promised those of them, who have believed and done good works, forgiveness and a great reward.

| 048.:029 [KSU] | muHammad(un) | rrasuwlu | Allahi | wa(a)lladhiyna | ma`ahU~ | _ashiddaA~?u | `alaY | (a).lkuffaAri | ruHamaA~?u | bay.nahum. | taraYEhum. | rukka`(an)A | sujjad(an)A | yab.taghuwna | faD.l(an)A | mmina | Allahi | wariD.waEn(an)A | [sly] | siymaAhum. | fiy | wujuwhihim. | min. | _athari | (a)lssujuwdi | [j] | dhalika | mathaluhum. | fiy | (a)lttawraEti | wamathaluhum. | fiy | (a)l._in.jiyli | kadhar.`(in) | _akh.raja | shaT.YeahU | fa_azarahU | fa(a)s.tagh.laZa | fa(a)s.tawaYE | `alaY | suwqihI | yu`.jibu | (a)lzzurra`a | liyaghiyZa | bihimu | (a)l.kuffaAra | [qly] | wa`ada | Allahu | (a)lladhiyna | ?aAmanuwA[0] | wa`amiluwA[0] | (a)lSSaEliHaEti | min.hum. | magh.fira(t)(an) | wa_aj.r(an)A | `aZiym(an)A[m]

Al-Hadid | 57:20|
|Know it well that the life of this world is nothing but a sport and pastime, and a show and boasting among yourselves and a rivalry in wealth and children. Its example is of vegetation after a shower of rain, which delighted the tillers, then the same ripens and you see it turn yellow, then it becomes straw. Contrary to this, in the life to come there is severe torment and forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. The life of this world is nothing but illusion.

| 057.:020 [KSU] | (a)AAlamuwA[0] | _annamaA | (a)l.HayawE(t)u | (a)lddun.yaA | laAAib(un) | walah.w(un) | waziyna(t)(un) | watafaAkhur(un) | [m] | bay.nakum. | watakaAthur(un) | fiy | (a)l._am.waEli | wa(a)l._aw.laEdi | [sly] | kamathali | ghay.th(in) | _aAA.jaba | (a)l.kuffaAra | nabaAtuhU | thumma | yahiyju | fataraYEhu | muS.farr(an)A | thumma | yakuwnu | HuTaEm(an)A | [sly] | wafiy | (a)l._akhira(t)i | AAadhaAb(un) | shadiyd(un) | wamagh.fira(t)(un) | mina | Allahi | wariD.waEn(un) | wamaA | (a)l.HayawE(t)u | (a)lddun.yaA~ | _illaA | mataYE`u | (a)l.ghuruwri

As-Saff | 61:7|
|Now, who could be more wicked than he who forges falsehoods against Allah even though he is being invited towards Islam (submission to Allah)? Allah does not guide such wrongdoers.

| 061.:007 [KSU] | waman. | _aZlamu | mimmani | (a)f.taraYE | `alaY | Allahi | (a)lkadhiba | wa | huwa | yud.`aYE~ | _ilaY | (a)l._is.laEmi | [j] | waAllahu | laA | yah.diy | (a)l.qaw.ma | (a)lZZaElimiyna