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tash [70]

Al-Baqarah | 2:25|
| And give good news (O Muhammad), to those who believe in this Book and do good deeds (in accordance with its teachings). For them there will be gardens underneath which canals flow. Their fruits will so resemble the fruits on the Earth that every time they will be provided with fruits, they will say, "Such fruits were provided to us before on the Earth. " And there will be pure spouses for them and therein they will live for ever.

| 002.:025 [KSU] | Wabashshiri | allatheena | amanoo | waAAamiloo | alssalihati | anna | lahum | jannatin | tajree | min | tahtiha | alanharu | kullama | ruziqoo | minha | min | thamaratin | rizqan | qaloo | hatha | allathee | ruziqna | min | qablu | waotoo | bihi | mutashabihan | walahum | feeha | azwajun | mutahharatun | wahum | feeha | khalidoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:41|
| And believe in the Book I have now sent down; as it confirms the Scriptures you already possess, be not the first to reject it; barter not away My Revelations for paltry worldly gain,57 and guard yourselves against My wrath

| 002.:041 [KSU] | Waaminoo | bima | anzaltu | musaddiqan | lima | maAAakum | wala | takoonoo | awwala | kafirin | bihi | wala | tashtaroo | biayatee | thamanan | qaleelan | waiyyaya | faittaqooni

Al-Baqarah | 2:52|
|Though you had committed a wicked transgression, yet We pardoned you even after that so that you might become grateful.

| 002.:052 [KSU] | Thumma | AAafawna | AAankum | min | baAAdi | thalika | laAAallakum | tashkuroona

Al-Baqarah | 2:56|
|Then We raised you to life so that you might become grateful for this favour.71

| 002.:056 [KSU] | Thumma | baAAathnakum | min | baAAdi | mawtikum | laAAallakum | tashkuroona

Al-Baqarah | 2:70|
|Again they said, "Pray your Lord to specify for us the kind of cow that is required; for cows (of this type) look alike to us. We shall then find her, if God so wills."

| 002.:070 [KSU] | Qaloo | odAAu | lana | rabbaka | yubayyin | lana | ma | hiya | inna | albaqara | tashabaha | AAalayna | wainna | in | shaa | Allahu | lamuhtadoona