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thanna [23]

Al-Baqarah | 2:230|
|And if the husband divorces his wife (for the third time), she shall not remain his lawful wife after this (absolute) divorce, unless she marries another husband and the second husband divorces her. (In that case) there is no harm if they re-marry, provided that the woman and her first husband are convinced that they will be able to keep within the bounds fixed by Allah. And these are Allahs bounds, which He makes clear for the guidance of those who know (the consequences of transgression).

| 002.:230 [KSU] | Fain | tallaqaha | fala | tahillu | lahu | min | baAAdu | hatta | tankiha | zawjan | ghayrahu | fain | tallaqaha | fala | junaha | AAalayhima | an | yatarajaAAa | in | thanna | an | yuqeema | hudooda | Allahi | watilka | hudoodu | Allahi | yubayyinuha | liqawmin | yaAAlamoona

Al-Imran | 3:154|
|Then after this grief, Allah sent down upon some of you such a sense of peace and security that they began to drowse, but the others, who attached importance only to their own worldly interests, began to cherish about Allah thoughts of ignorance which were void of truth. Now they ask, "Have we also a say in .the conduct of affairs?" Say, ("No one has share in this.) The authority over the affairs rests wholly with Allah." In fact they are not disclosing to you what they are concealing in their hearts: what they really mean is this: "If we had a say (in the conduct of) the affairs, none of us would have been slain here." Tell them, "Even though you had remained in your houses, those, who were destined to be slain, would have gone forth of their own accord to the places where they were destined to be slain." And all this happened so that Allah may test that which was hidden in your hearts,

| 003.:154 [KSU] | Thumma | anzala | AAalaykum | min | baAAdi | alghammi | amanatan | nuAAasan | yaghsha | taifatan | minkum | wataifatun | qad | ahammathum | anfusuhum | yathunnoona | biAllahi | ghayra | alhaqqi | thanna | aljahiliyyati | yaqooloona | hal | lana | mina | alamri | min | shayin | qul | inna | alamra | kullahu | lillahi | yukhfoona | fee | anfusihim | ma | la | yubdoona | laka | yaqooloona | law | kana | lana | mina | alamri | shayon | ma | qutilna | hahuna | qul | law | kuntum | fee | buyootikum | labaraza | allatheena | kutiba | AAalayhimu | alqatlu | ila | madajiAAihim | waliyabtaliya | Allahu | ma | fee | sudoorikum | waliyuma

Al-Anaam | 6:116|
|And O Muhammad if you obey most of the dwellers of the earth, they will lead you astray from Allahs Way, for they follow nothing but guess-work and indulge in mere conjectures.

| 006.:116 [KSU] | Wain | tutiAA | akthara | man | fee | alardi | yudillooka | AAan | sabeeli | Allahi | in | yattabiAAoona | illa | alththanna | wain | hum | illa | yakhrusoona

Al-Anaam | 6:148|

| 006.:148 [KSU] | Sayaqoolu | allatheena | ashrakoo | law | shaa | Allahu | ma | ashrakna | wala | abaona | wala | harramna | min | shayin | kathalika | kaththaba | allatheena | min | qablihim | hatta | thaqoo | basana | qul | hal | AAindakum | min | AAilmin | fatukhrijoohu | lana | in | tattabiAAoona | illa | alththanna | wain | antum | illa | takhrusoona

Al-Aaraf | 7:167|
|And recall the time when your Lord declared, "I will set over the Israelites over and over again up to the Day of Resurrection, people who should inflict upon them the severest torment." Your Lord, indeed, is swift in retribution, and He is indeed also Forgiving and Merciful.

| 007.:167 [KSU] | Waith | taaththana | rabbuka | layabAAathanna | AAalayhim | ila | yawmi | alqiyamati | man | yasoomuhum | sooa | alAAathabi | inna | rabbaka | lasareeAAu | alAAiqabi | wainnahu | laghafoorun | raheemun