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thawaban [3]

Al-Imran | 3:195|
|Their Lord answered their prayer, saying, "I do not let go to waste the labour of any worker from among you whether male or female, for all of you (human beings) are the offspring of one another. I will, therefore, forgive all the shortcomings of those who left their homes or were expelled from them for My sake or were persecuted, and of those who fought for My cause and were slain, and admit them to the Gardens underneath which canals flow." This is their reward from Allah and with Allah alone is the richest reward.

| 003.:195 [KSU] | Faistajaba | lahum | rabbuhum | annee | la | odeeAAu | AAamala | AAamilin | minkum | min | thakarin | aw | ontha | baAAdukum | min | baAAdin | faallatheena | hajaroo | waokhrijoo | min | diyarihim | waoothoo | fee | sabeelee | waqataloo | waqutiloo | laokaffiranna | AAanhum | sayyiatihim | walaodkhilannahum | jannatin | tajree | min | tahtiha | alanharu | thawaban | min | AAindi | Allahi | waAllahu | AAindahu | husnu | alththawabi

Al-Kahaf | 18:44|
|It was then that he realized that all the power of helping rests with Allah, the True One. That reward is the best Which He bestows and that end is the-best to which He leads.

| 018.:044 [KSU] | Hunalika | alwalayatu | lillahi | alhaqqi | huwa | khayrun | thawaban | wakhayrun | AAuqban

Al-Kahaf | 18:46|
|Likewise this wealth and the offspring are mere transitory adornment of worldly life: in fact the abiding good deeds are best in the sight of your Lord in regard to their end, and hold out for you greater hopes.

| 018.:046 [KSU] | Almalu | waalbanoona | zeenatu | alhayati | alddunya | waalbaqiyatu | alssalihatu | khayrun | AAinda | rabbika | thawaban | wakhayrun | amalan

Maryam | 19:76|
|In contrast to them, Allah increases in guidance those who adopt the righteous way; and the abiding deeds of righteousness are better in the sight of your Lord in regard to their reward and their end.

| 019.:076 [KSU] | Wayazeedu | Allahu | allatheena | ihtadaw | hudan | waalbaqiyatu | alssalihatu | khayrun | AAinda | rabbika | thawaban | wakhayrun | maraddan