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thikran [10]

Al-Baqarah | 2:200|
|And when you have performed your Hajj rites, remember Allah as you had been remembering your own forefathers, or even with greater zeal.221 (Even those who remember Allah do it in different ways). Some say, "Our Lord, give us all the good things here in this world. " Such people shall have no share in the Hereafter.

| 002.:200 [KSU] | Faitha | qadaytum | manasikakum | faothkuroo | Allaha | kathikrikum | abaakum | aw | ashadda | thikran | famina | alnnasi | man | yaqoolu | rabbana | atina | fee | alddunya | wama | lahu | fee | alakhirati | min | khalaqin

Al-Kahaf | 18:70|
|He said, "Well, if you want to accompany me, you should ask me no questions about anything until I myself mention it to you.”

| 018.:070 [KSU] | Qala | faini | ittabaAAtanee | fala | tasalnee | AAan | shayin | hatta | ohditha | laka | minhu | thikran

Al-Kahaf | 18:83|
|And O Muhammad, they ask you about Zul-Qarnain:61 tell them, "I am going to recite to you an account of him.”

| 018.:083 [KSU] | Wayasaloonaka | AAan | thee | alqarnayni | qul | saatloo | AAalaykum | minhu | thikran

Ta-Ha | 20:99|
|O Muhammad, thus do We relate to you the history of the past events, and We have given you an "Admonition" from Our Own Self.

| 020.:099 [KSU] | Kathalika | naqussu | AAalayka | min | anbai | ma | qad | sabaqa | waqad | ataynaka | min | ladunna | thikran

Ta-Ha | 20:113|
|And, O Muhammad, thus have We sent this down as an Arabic Qur"an and have given therein warnings in various ways, perhaps these people may be saved from perverseness or that this may help arouse understanding in them.

| 020.:113 [KSU] | Wakathalika | anzalnahu | quranan | AAarabiyyan | wasarrafna | feehi | mina | alwaAAeedi | laAAallahum | yattaqoona | aw | yuhdithu | lahum | thikran